What kind of psycopath counts generation death as a good thing. All interesting humans dead and you take it as an achievement.
Stop crying on the past. Stop blaming past on generations. Start learning from past generation mistakes, and thank them for having you.
Because as a new generation we’re going to make a lot of mistakes, who knows if more or less than the past generations. And we shouldn’t be blamed in the future.
Blaming the past generations and not learning from them is a childish response. Start doing something productive and useful to society, blaming is not helping.
Stop having tantrums and grow up. And thank you have past generations otherwise you would have to create all we have now from scratch.
It’s like saying “Newton dumb” because his work is old and it doesn’t work correctly for all physical frames, not like Einstein his work is much better. Both are as good because they lived at different times with different technology, knowledge, society, etc.
This feels like explaining basic life knowledge to a 3 year old tbh.
I feel the same. My entry distro was ubuntu, and every time I updated major version the whole installation exploded and i had to reinstall it from scratch.
Luckly for me now i use Debian and updating major release is smooth af. Already went through 3 major updates and 0 problems.
Just swap to Debian, Valve. And snap is engineered to waste your time, imo.
If you like ubuntu and you want to remove amazon and junk that ubuntu has you can go to debian. But in the future, just familarize yourself with everything first
Didn’t knew about the Debian part I thought they said that they will ship an installer with non-free by default and another installer which you can configure.
Btw I’m on my way to build a new x220 with libreboot and GUIX can we get more free than that? Xd