Sorry this isn’t an answer to the question, only a general reminder for whoever needs it to always create a disk image backup beforehand using Macrium Reflect or similar, so you can rollback nightmares like this.
I think the point is the number of times someone is having such an issue, and those people show up to proclaim they’ve never had such problems as if it’s helpful. So, at least you can recognize it’s not.
I believe it has to do with not obstructing the flow of blood returning from the lower extremities any more than necessary, to give a more accurate pressure reading at rest. If you’re walking or running, alternating muscle contraction helps to pump the blood upward, but if you’re just standing, the general muscle engagement to keep you standing can slow it. But I could be wrong about this.
Contrary to what some have said here, it’s not unusual to have to download and manually install the wifi driver for Mint. It’s even mentioned as the one extra step in a cartoon comparing the time it takes to install three different distros. I had to do this for two different laptops.
OmanMkII already provided the link for intel, but here it is again:
Huh, I’ll definitely look into that. Both times I tried to route external pihole access, somehow other mystery services found it and it slowed to a crawl from getting absolutely pounded by requests not from me. Thanks for that tip!
Pretty much. Not sure how the router determines which DNS to use, but mine seems to latch onto whichever one serves up results the fastest, which would inevitably be cloudflare direct after the pihole returns enough blocks.
So I use a Raspberry Pi Zero W as a dedicated pihole, and my Pi 4 seedbox acts as its own pihole and as a redundant backup. Then use gravity-sync from the Zero to the 4 to mirror the settings.
Well, if you’re not in a country that cares about torrenting or related legal action, torrenting without a VPN provides faster speeds since everything isn’t being encrypted, and port forwarding can allow connections that may not occur without.
My VPN service offers a private SOCKS5 proxy w/ Auth for faster torrenting without encryption, that still masks your IP from other torrenters, but I don’t use it since there’s still a risk of my ISP seeing some traffic with unencrypted headers, and sending notices. I just stick with VPN and slower speeds.
Yes, I meant that while using a VPN (which is the safest and most recommended) that port forwarding doesn’t work anyway, so don’t worry about port forwarding.
Also, if the newest version of photoshop on torrentgalaxy isn’t as new as the version you can download direct from adobe (as a trial you can unlock to full with a product code), you usually can still use the most recent crack on TG with the direct download from adobe. (Usually, I haven’t tested lately.)