People keep talking about “Federalizing the National Guard” and now you’ve got other States pledging their NG to Texas in defiance of the Supreme Court (see image)....
Male bedbugs have a knife-like penis. To have sex, they stab the females in the thorax with it because the females don’t have genitalia. The semen is then injected directly into the female’s main body cavity for insemination
I’ve added my favorite YouTube channels in the comments below. (Feel free to check them out!) But, my preferences aside, what YouTube channel(s) do you want more people to see?
You’ve cherry picked parts of my argument and disregarded the meat, the heart of it that carried my point.
Your entire argument was (and should) be disregarded when you immediately resort to calling me morally bankrupt by your reducto ad adsurdum argument about your wife, which I actually did address if you read properly.
The opening line was a statement, not an attack. The "you " in the second line is generic, not directed. If I’m not directing at you, why would I feel personally attacked?
If you truly believe that any reasonable person wouldn’t take that as a personal attack then you need to brush up on your English skills.
Like I suggested for, you’re stacking up to be exactly what I would expect a fan of Second Thought to be like, and that’s not a compliment. I offered you a chance to help you dig yourself out of a tankie echo chamber, but if you want to mire yourself in that then by all means go ahead.
Head’s up, The Escapist is essentially dead since they fired their editor-in-chief (Nick Calandra) and all of the talent (Yahtzee, Frost, JM8, Jack, etc.) quit to start a new employee-owned company with him called Second Wind
How is science and futurism with Isaac Arthur (SFIA) not getting more love?
Tbf, Isaac Arthur will sometimes propose ideas that absolutely no hope of working such as orbital loops. While I get that he’s not an engineer, videos like that tend to be a blemish on his reputation.
In my eyes, suppressing knowledge, or advocating it, is morally bankrupt.
Claiming I’m advocating the suppression of knowledge is a bold claim. I’m informing you (and anyone reading this thread) about their heavily skewed view of the world as a caution. You can always choose to not take my advice.
Also, claiming people are trying to suppress you simply because they shared their opinion is rather disingenuous. I have made a single personal attack on you, I’ve only criticized the informational valye of the channel you recommended, assuming that you were simply unaware of its issues.
You shouldn’t even try to dissuade people from watching it, you should want the people around you to be better educated
It’s weird you’re using this argument when the channel in question has a video called “Alternatives to Capitalism” that is just a 15 minute rant on why capitalism is bad and spends no time actually discussing potential alternatives to capitalism.
I’m willing to entertain arguments against, I don’t claim or think to know everything. In fact, everything Im right about now I can guarantee I was wrong about before.
Given how you immediately resorted to a “reducto ad absurdum” argument makes me highly suspicious of your willingness to entertain differing arguments. In fact, it’s concerningly similar to the debate strategy of Second Thought and tankues in general.
Please keep trying to broaden your horizons, particularly to more moderate sources. You’re sounding like you’re falling into an echo chamber
During setup there will be a page that asks if you want to create or restore from backups. If you hit “restore”, it’ll ask you to point it to the backups folder inside the Tachiyomi folder. Tachiyomi has backups set up by default, but if it’s disabled you can go to the settings to create a backup
I know this isn’t strictly piracy related, I apologise, but I think it is tangentally related in that piracy protects you from data theft by avoiding the services the biggest thieves operate. Also, I feel like people here might be very interested in this take....
There’s a spiritual successor to Tachiyomi called Mihon that’s supposed to launch in a week or so. It’s being worked on by the same guy that runs the TachiyomiSY fork
So is the US slipping into Civil War? (
People keep talking about “Federalizing the National Guard” and now you’ve got other States pledging their NG to Texas in defiance of the Supreme Court (see image)....
We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days. (
What are the facts you remember for no specific reason
Does anyone else find themselves recalling random facts for no apparent reason? Like,...
If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'd run in 2028?
Any good YouTube recommendations? (
I’ve added my favorite YouTube channels in the comments below. (Feel free to check them out!) But, my preferences aside, what YouTube channel(s) do you want more people to see?
Tachiyomi replacement is out (
So I finally did the math on data brokerage and worked out how much we're all being robbed
I know this isn’t strictly piracy related, I apologise, but I think it is tangentally related in that piracy protects you from data theft by avoiding the services the biggest thieves operate. Also, I feel like people here might be very interested in this take....
best foss cad software?
Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March (
22 January 2024 (
Are there any good Aniyomi alternatives?
I’ve tried Cloudstream. It wasn’t as good as Aniyomi imo.