I kid, I kid, my parents are already dead, not everyone who was/is a boomer is horrid. But this generation has hung around power for too long, it’s time to move on.
There’s no shame in making a counter-proposal, especially if your terms benefit each party more than the originally proffered proposal stipulated in their proposal documentation.
I think any place that rejects renewables should get a coal fired power plant instead. Let them reconsider it as their kids grow up with heavy metals and all the other shit these things spew out.
yeah exactly my reaction, I’d worry the world would be messy - at least near any nuclear plant that doesn’t self shut down… I agree it would irradiate an enormous amount of water and soil but 1000 years later? most of the hot stuff will be long gone and nature will just adapt around the dead zones. see the results @ Pripyat.