The means of production are not entirely owned by a seperate class nor is the barrier to entry for many industries so high that it is entirely impossible for the average joe to enter.
Sure some industries are nigh impossible to get into, like pharmaceuticals for example, there are much bigger industries that have lower barriers like machine shops (which are really medium entry but you can scale them), and manufacturing via 3d print hubs.
Not to mention aoftware development which is a fucking wonder when it comes to potential money vs barrier to entry.
Certain construction contractors and engineering consulting firms can be opened up with fairly low barrier to entry.
I’m sleepy so my replies may not seem very coherent so tell me if you don’t understand what im saying
If piracy is moral and ethical and enables us to share knowledge, why do private trackers gatekeep this knowledge? It goes against the principles of piracy. Do they do it just to feel superior about bring in a sekrit club?
If piracy is moral and ethical and enables us to share knowledge, why do private trackers gatekeep this knowledge?
Because thats not how most people see it. It’s just a way to watch movies (or download stuff) for free. Private trackers ensure a higher quality experience
Piracy isn’t some high philosophical debate, it’s seeing something you want and making a copy of it.
The recent post made me fear that a lot of you are taking this “monkey looks at double-slits” meme, which was only ever supposed to be a funny monkey meme, actually seriously. Honorable mention goes to @kromem, whose 12 posts on the topic, insisting that the quantum eraser experiment (but not the delayed-choice quantum...
I am just getting back my sea legs, but apparently they’re pretty shaky because I can’t get my ubuntu torrent (no seriously, it is) to download. It never starts downloading and is stuck in “stalled”. I’ve tried a number of things, but even with default settings it isn’t starting. I’m using proton VPN on Linux Mint,...
I know that Thunder can filter the posts but only limited. It only hides the currently loaded ones and only on button press. You need to do it over and over. Is there an app that does it automatically?
Ok so I want to download this embedded PDF/document in order to physically print it. The website allows me to view it as much as I want, but is asking me to fork over 25 + tax USD so i can download the document....
The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars (
Its getting old. (
What is the motive behind private trackers?
If piracy is moral and ethical and enables us to share knowledge, why do private trackers gatekeep this knowledge? It goes against the principles of piracy. Do they do it just to feel superior about bring in a sekrit club?
What now? (
pay the bills... repeat... (
The New York Times tried to block the Internet Archive: another reason to value the latter (
The real double-slit quantum eraser they don't want you to know about! (
The recent post made me fear that a lot of you are taking this “monkey looks at double-slits” meme, which was only ever supposed to be a funny monkey meme, actually seriously. Honorable mention goes to @kromem, whose 12 posts on the topic, insisting that the quantum eraser experiment (but not the delayed-choice quantum...
It really makes me cringe every time they talk about logic... (
Thermal Energy Intuition (
Can't catch me, coppers!! (
If I didn't laugh I'd cry (
Its go time! (
Prefect record to listen to when the significant other tells you to stop thinking about the Roman Empire. (
Degenerates like you belong in a Marty Robbins meme.
Speediest little fella. (
No, the natural log doesn’t distribute!! (
issues with QbitTorrent stalled torrents
I am just getting back my sea legs, but apparently they’re pretty shaky because I can’t get my ubuntu torrent (no seriously, it is) to download. It never starts downloading and is stuck in “stalled”. I’ve tried a number of things, but even with default settings it isn’t starting. I’m using proton VPN on Linux Mint,...
Did I press this button the first time? (
Self doubt stems from here.
lemmy app that hides posts I've read/ voted on?
I know that Thunder can filter the posts but only limited. It only hides the currently loaded ones and only on button press. You need to do it over and over. Is there an app that does it automatically?
Can't figure out how to download an embedded PDF
Ok so I want to download this embedded PDF/document in order to physically print it. The website allows me to view it as much as I want, but is asking me to fork over 25 + tax USD so i can download the document....