I’ve found out that I can tolerate humidity a lot more when it’s actually hot vs it being cool and humid. When it’s hot and humid you’re sweating constantly but don’t feel sticky because you’re covered in sweat. If it’s cool and humid you just feel sticky all over because you’re not sweating, so everything just sticks together. I first noticed this when I went out to Denver and didn’t feel gross waking up. I further reinforced it when I went down to Southern Florida this summer where it’s stupid hot and humid outside, but inside it was cool and I woke up feeling fine, since everything down there is built for the heat and humidity.
Yeah I know what you mean. I’m from the North East US and it gets pretty damn humid here (somehow it’s been more humid than places with a tropical climate like Miami, Florida), which extends into the winter. The high humidity, combined with low temperatures (0-35F, not including wind chill) and moderate winds means a damn cold winter.
I was out in Denver, Colorado a few years ago during the late fall, early winter. They had a freak snowstorm which dropped their temperature from like 65F to 25F over night. I didn’t know what to bring so I brought all my winter gear. I got there and was like “This is nothing!” because the humidity was low. I was outside in jeans and a heavy/double lined hoodie and was fine. Normally in NYC I’d be wearing an Arctic level jacket due to the wind and humidity.
My buddy was in the army and stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska. After being there for a year he came home for Christmas and showed up at my house in shorts, sandals, and a hoodie. It was like 30F, he said it felt like summer to him 😂