Ever wonder why this thing can only go 55 MPH? Yup, my Magnum dong! Nothing slows down a truck like moving around that hunk of meat, let me tell you! Now about our date.
I found this article on the audit. It’s also about boring but necessary things like stockpile management, automation, climate risk, and bookkeeping. It’s broken into 30 sub-audits. It sounds like all of these must be fully passed as “clean” for an audit to not be considered failing.
Yup, polls can’t account for something like an “October surprise”. In Hillary’s case in 2016, that was the James Comey letter that was leaked by Republicans Congress. It had the desired effect, with her poll numbers dropping virtually overnight. He rescinded the letter, but not fast enough to make a difference. This was all prompted by FBI agents in the NYC office who were leaking like a sieve to the press. So if you ever hear someone grouse about prosecutors supposedly interfering with elections because they are prosecuting Trump for his crimes, remind them that Trump got a whole presidential term out of FBI agents interfering for him.
I’m familiar with Housing First. I mostly just didn’t want to see a misleading use of statistics left unchallenged. Statistics around housing are difficult to grasp, so I often see them used in a misleading way, usually unknowingly.
Take one statistic, the rental vacancy rate in my city, Portland. It has lately been around 4%. Given the number of homeless people in the city, that feels like a travesty. But when you start to do calculations, that turns out to be an average of 2 weeks every four years. If you have tenants moving out after four years, that’s barely enough time to do a few repairs, let the paint dry, and finding new tenants. What seemed like a loose market turns out to be a very tight market.
I consider voting to be the minimum buy-in to ask something of your representative. You may not get that thing, especially if your ask is far outside the mainstream. That’s part of a democracy. The next part of democracy is protecting its status as a liberal democracy, where the people’s freedoms are protected from the government so there is remove for improvement.
It would be awesome to have a base-12 number system paired with a base-12 measurement system. It’s just so much nicer to deal with than metric or imperial. So many measurements would become much easier. Take length. You could have the base measurement be equal to a meter, then use 1/3 meter sticks as roughly equivalent to a 1 foot ruler.
I get where you’re coming from, especially when it’s something like OP’s post where it’s just a bed and some junk. But there’s a difference between spartan and efficient. A spartan setup doesn’t provide much functionality beyond the basics (sleep, clothing). An efficient setup might take reworking, but it squeezes a multitude of uses into a small to medium sized room.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m mostly talking out my ass. But as far as I know, it’s a new DE that’s being written in Rust using the iced toolkit. It looks like they’re aiming to be Wayland native without the X baggage. It’s been a while since the last full Pop release (20.04), so it will be nice to get the rest of the OS upgraded as well.
Well, I didn’t get much done. I relied some on internal organization with Emacs org-mode to keep track of things. I didn’t know this at the time, but that particular position had a high turnover rate. Apparently a year was pretty typical, which was how long I lasted. I have never outright quarreled with any other manager except this one.