I was once passed by someone who was speeding along a narrow, windy road while I was following the speed limit. That entire length of road is a no passing zone. If they had passed slightly later, they would have had a head-on collision with another automobile that was coming the opposite direction. Some people will just do dumb things, no matter the road design.
I think I owe you an apology. I took your initial comment as you trying to insult me, given our past interactions. Not that I wasn’t giving an honest opinion on the design itself, but otherwise I would have just kept it to myself.
I used to use Amarok, but now I have a subscription to Youtube Music. It gives me a lot of flexibility on running it in a browser or on Android without worrying about syncing.
Longevity is nice, but not as helpful if it can’t keep up physically with new releases.
You also have to imagine what that longevity is going to really mean. Even a sturdy phone with a good case is in an unfriendly environment. They live in pockets, purses, and get dropped. Getting updates for 10 years is great, but it’s not too useful if the phone is dead. It’s always good to pursue increased longevity, but there is diminishing return for many reasons.
Especially a candidate with left wing politics. There’s a reason Democrats run center-left candidates for president once it gets to the general. Those are the ones that win.
Any legislator can introduce a bill, so “blue” and “red” don’t really indicate much. You have to look at who is sponsoring the bill. In Minnesota, that is Republicans and it’s going nowhere. In New Jersey, that’s Democrats and it got into law.