If you can afford not working, yeah. That wasn’t a reality for me or most people I know. Luckily I’m in a career that doesn’t value a major that much, so I dropped out after finding a decent job
I’d recommend Zorin. It has a UI similar to windows, easy to get into, great defaults, and being based on Ubuntu, most help on the internet will work just fine
I recently started exploring wayland and arch, installing a compositor (Hyprland) and module by module as a go. It’s unnecessarily hard but I’m learning a lot from it.
The thing that surprised me the most is the amount of components and projects that are GTK based. I always thought that GTK was a Gnome thing, but it’s very much alive outside it as well.
No, they don’t. Flat earthers don’t believe in a big universe where planets orbits stars and shit, so this image is kind of a straw man, although it’s obviously not serious.
I mean, flat eath is a dumb theory, if I can even call it that, but it is not what is in the image.