UT has been garbage for some time. I reckon the data it uses to send your info back to them and to load ads, bogs down the network, especially on slower networks. The last time I used it, there were also graphical artifacts all over. Qbit on the other hand, is much cleaner and simpler to use, and it doesnt add any unwanted network traffic, which is why it’s probably faster
I feel called out here lol. Granted, I’ve only recommended it to people I know who complained about the performance of windows. Linux is so much more optimised
This thread is utterly braindead but nvidia users are not completely out of luck. Use the proprietary drivers with xserver instead of wayland and it works fine (speaking from personal experience). Xserver has it’s own issues and will probably be phased out in favour of wayland in the future but hopefully by then, it will be able to support nvidia better.
Depends on what you want. For games, find a trustworthy repacker (fitgirl and dodi are good in my experience) and only download from them. For software, again, it depends. For adobe products, M0nkrus is pretty good, but I’m unsure about other software. Movies and music are typically quite safe as long as you practice due diligence (basically dont open a file called song.mp3.exe).
The reason I gave up on MP3’s and subscribed to Spotify was because Spotify was easy. I’ve been listening “Iron Maiden - Empire of the Clouds” song every day and like a week ago, its removed. This was the last straw for me. Right now I’m trying to find “Stremio” of the music world. Can someone assist?...
It’s easier to install streamrip (beta version) on the server directly. That way, you can download music directly to the server and skip the whole ftp part.
Really interesting read about the history of YouTube adblocking, how the new detection works, how uBO is responding, and how not to block the new popups.
This community actually is much more interesting than r/piracy which a lot of the time just felt like piracy for dummies, not to mention the pressures of hosting a piracy community on a corporate platform that wanted to completely disassociate with us
Linux laptop recommendation thread🐧💻 (lemmy.world)
I’m on the market to buy a new laptop, and Lemmy has successfully coaxed and goaded me to give Linux a serious try....
Switched from uTorrent to QBitTorrent
So a bunch of people in this subreddit told me that uTorrent was trash and to switch to QBitTorrent....
Repurposing your laptop trans rights style 😎🏳️⚧️ (discuss.tchncs.de)
Hey, have you ever heard of Pop!_OS? (civilloquy.com)
Driving an AE86 apparently feels just like using wayland with NVIDIA (feddit.de)
Linus does not fuck around (lemmy.one)
An oldie, but a goodie
What site should I trust?
Even the site that considered safe in the megathread, there’s report of malware and trojan and I don’t know what site to use
Come tell Tux🐧your Linux plans for next year to cheer him up (lemmy.world)
Ways to pirate music as convenient as Spotify?
The reason I gave up on MP3’s and subscribed to Spotify was because Spotify was easy. I’ve been listening “Iron Maiden - Empire of the Clouds” song every day and like a week ago, its removed. This was the last straw for me. Right now I’m trying to find “Stremio” of the music world. Can someone assist?...
Is there an *arr service for video games?
I dream of a program suite like [Overseer+Jacket+Sonaar+Plex] which would search, download and organize a video game library....
Youtube’s Anti-adblock and uBlock Origin (andadinosaur.com)
Really interesting read about the history of YouTube adblocking, how the new detection works, how uBO is responding, and how not to block the new popups.
Skyrim Special Edition, 5-10 FPS
I posted this to c/piracy, as lemmy does not have a CrackSupport equivalent....