Really interesting read about the history of YouTube adblocking, how the new detection works, how uBO is responding, and how not to block the new popups.
does this affect the ip range blockers. I thought about getting one of those, but youtube will probably find a way to cook ads into regular content, but we have AI now…
Most of the streaming sites are serving ads from the same subdomain these days. I think Paramount might still be separate? But causes issues when you try to log in as well, so have to pause Pihole to log in. Then ads are (sometimes) blocked :)
With uBlock Origin I’m not getting anything, but the Ghostery plugin with “adblocking enabled” set to on actually now returns a blank youtube site. As soon as I switch it off (so blocking trackers only) it works perfectly fine and with zero ads.
YouTube isn’t rolling out the anti-adblock to everyone. It seems to depend on things like your account, browser, and IP address. And if you’re not logged in or you’re in a private window, you’re safe. As a result, there are a bunch of people saying, “I use XYZ and I haven’t seen an anti-adblock popup yet,” unknowingly spreading misinformation.
They get ad revenue from the majority, and we still give them algorithm. I’m not taking time out of my day to tip someone for a service I haven’t even received yet.
Last time it stopped working for me I just needed to update revanced manager, make sure the patches were updated on the main screen, and re patch the recommended APK version which had increased. They’ve done a pretty good job at keeping up
You can also get grayjay, which will also condense twitch, nebula, youtube, etc into one consistent feed without trackers or ads. Also it supports the down vote plug-in and 3rd party comment solutions so you can get even more from the app then you can with say revanced which is just the regular old YouTube app with patches.
So today, YouTube’s pop-ups rolled down to Views will be limited to one unless you remove your adblocker at which point the pop-ups ceased. (I was intentionally rolling them down). Have: Firefox, DDG Privacy Essentials, NoScript, uBlock Origin
Techs working to give me access: I love you guys! I really appreciate what you’re doing.
Fuck the hurtful comments, and do it to fight capitalism and enshittification.
That said, when I can no longer YouTube without ads, I will no longer YouTube, which also means no engagement on video forums. Useful, interesting rants is what I have to offer.
But the hurtful comments leave a bigger mark than the good ones
As a volunteer for a charity, I feel this so much. I work incredibly hard to help people, I get paid nothing for my time. The entitlement and rude demands burns me out way faster. Especially when people seem to put far more effort into complaining and being rude than they do thanking me or showing appreciation for what we do.
I’ve moved on from trying to block the ads to using a front-end and a macro to do the annoying part for me. It’s been nice. I hadn’t realized how bad youtube’s UI was until seeing a clean one. I definitely recommend using one of the less notable ones, they seem to be faster.
That’s also how I often access YT. Libreddit is already selfhosted in the local network (+ wireguard on clients) and I’ll look into hosting something for YT.
Sadly most people want to keep their recommendations and the UI, so they’ll stay on the official site.
Mine are super inconsistent now. Obviously I have uBO, but I can typically watch like 10-ish videos a day before the popups start, at which point I just turn on libredirect.
Up until last week I’ve had friends (who also use uBlock Origin, same country) kind of sequentially complaining for about a month about having the videos blocked. For me personally it has been working fine until then, but Friday I got the popup. Today the popup is gone however I get ads but they don’t play video, only sound.
YouTube isn’t rolling out the anti-adblock to everyone. It seems to depend on things like your account, browser, and IP address. And if you’re not logged in or you’re in a private window, you’re safe. As a result, there are a bunch of people saying, “I use XYZ and I haven’t seen an anti-adblock popup yet,” unknowingly spreading misinformation.
What I see with this is that Google might eventually lose more with this new policies than just leaving things as they were. Lets be real, if this shit show continues and they don’t drop it as it becomes increasingly difficult to watch without ads people will start looking for alternative frontends such as Piped or Invidious and that will hinder their ability to harvest data and force ads. What’s the next step Google? DRM protected media?
absolutely, the only draw for content creators is the money they can make on youtube, which means people intersted in making money are more likely to use it and their content is obviously biased towards profit building. Any other platform can easily recreate a sane profit sharing program for creators, eventually it might become youtube, but in the meantime we can all enjoy it.
People will not leave Youtube. They got too many videos. I believe they will just find some proxy solutions or similar. Using anything else will for the author just result in they get paid less.
Only about 20% or so of users on YouTube use AdBlock. A frighteningly large percentage of the population is absolutely fine with being bombarded with ads - after all, 80% of the stuff we consume daily is ad financed and that money has to come from somewhere.
Maybe I’m looking into this too far, but I think if someone’s happy to have things the way they like them (ads, Chrome, etc.) and clearly doesn’t want to elaborate on it, they have every right to not elaborate further.
Let them find it their own way. Or maybe they won’t, but it’s their choice to make.
I respectfully disagree. Based on what you’ve said, it sounds like you’ve asked your friend multiple times to use something else, and there’s a chance they’re trying to be respectful to you by politely declining to hear more suggestions.
I’ve been on both ends of this, I’ve been pushed to look at games I could’ve been interested in but just didn’t feel like giving a novel back to my friend as to why I’m not going to buy it, and I’ve tried to push friends onto Linux and that ultimately resulted in them getting pissed off with me.
It took me a while to realize, there is no wrong operating system to use, there is no wrong social platform to use. People are willing to try new things, but at their own pace and if they can see that there’s an easy transition, but it’s more than that.
I used to think the more people I get onto Linux, the more I’m doing my part for the market share and in turn the software gets better for me and for them, but what I failed to realize is that I was no different to a Jehovah’s Witness, and I certainly came off as annoying as them to my friends. I don’t care what they use now, but if they’re ever interested in help on something that I’d love for them to use, I gladly help them and answer any questions they have, and so far, that’s worked better anyway.
I just fear that you’re going down the same path I did. I fear your friend isn’t copping out of wanting ads, Chrome, iOS, etc. They just want to avoid a confrontation with you.
It really bothers me that you’ve somehow interpreted and asserted a relationship with my friend that you have no way of knowing.
But I will entertain your naive ignorance for a moment. This friend that I’m talking about, we’ve been friends for over 20 years he gives me as much crap as I give him and our relationship is better for it.
I have literally told him that he’s acting like an idiot for using these things that are actively monitoring everything that he does. His privacy is being systematically invaded and he doesn’t care.
The reason he doesn’t care is because he likes the stuff that he uses because it’s fast and he claims there’s little lag. Personally I think this is nothing more than an excuse for being lazy by not going through the steps of setting up his software so it won’t be invading his privacy (as much).
At no point did I pressure him to change or attempt to persuade him to get an Android or to use Linux or anything else he is perfectly free to use whatever he feels is comfortable.
Nevertheless it’s just a cop out he is acting stupid by using all of this stuff that infiltrates his privacy.
It’s okay to be accepting of people and to be their friend and to also call them on their bullshit. If their feelings are hurt and it strains the relationship then its probably not a good friendship.
‘I don’t care’ is the refrain of someone who doesn’t know how to safeguard his digital interests. Easier to pretend it doesn’t matter than admit to wanting to hit land, but are adrift at sea with no bearings or tools. It’s not entirely your friend’s fault either. Education systems have so much ground to catch up.
We need an economic system change. We should go beyond the data economy and find new sustainable ways to develop software and platforms and social networks. uBO won’t win alone vs Google, unless they stop challenging it over technology
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