Yeah, you’re right. I just don’t think perfection should be the enemy of good enough. Although, like others have said, Medicare and Medicaid are nowhere near even good enough. But they are programs that exists, and providers and insurers already have to, by law, negotiate with them. The laws need major reform, but it might be easier to make incremental changes rather than a total overhaul.
Plus the US does have many disparate laws guaranteeing some basic treatment. For example, hospitals have to provide stabilizing care for anyone, regardless of ability to pay. Incremental reform could gradually bring all those laws under Medicare/Medicaid, giving everyone time to adjust.
Eh, I think it’s just semantics. People hear universal healthcare and recoil but Medicare and Medicaid are what help their parents get the help they need. I think it’s pretty powerful to already have programs ready to go. Those programs just need some better marketing and more access.
I was shopping for a ring and the salesperson said it’s not even worth buying a diamond now because synthetics are expected to take over the market in a few years. It will likely tank the price of real diamonds because they’re chemically and structurally identical.
I loved my Nexus One, definitely one of my favorite phones ever. I too got one after being tired of Apple’s iOS restrictions and the “you’re holding it wrong” scandal with the iPhone 4.
I still have it in storage and take it out every one in a while. It surprising how small it is and hard to believe that cell phones used to fit in the palm of your hand.
I’m sorry to hear that. Try talking to a counselor or therapist. I felt the same way for a long time and I’ve gradually worked up the confidence to express how I feel and express my emotions. It was really hard and took a lot of work (and therapy and medication) and I feel completely empowered now. It’s a great feeling.
He might be trying to create an in vs. out crowd mentality. If he makes Fortnite players feel exclusive and special, they may be more likely to choose playing Fortnite over other games.