@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I would have loved that at our wedding lol

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

From what I’ve been told, out of the three active subs I modded that got yanked and restaffed with whoever, only one isn’t a bot ridden mess.

And that one is kinda shit (again, that’s second hand) now.

Not that I was some paragon of modding, it’s just that you can’t have random assholes put in place after actual users are pissed off and expect things to work out well.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Jfc, I thought I was the only one geeky enough to not only do that, but admit it in public

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It really is pretty rare, but it happens sometimes.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Look at it like this.

When you got your first smart phone, be it android or iOS, you didn’t know where anything was, so there was a learning curve.

But, in the same way as phones, there are built in “stores”. Those stores are called repositories, and they’re accessible in more than one way. You don’t actually have to use the terminal, it’s just usually faster since you really don’t type much more than you would entering a search in whatever GUI interface comes with your distro. Indeed, you can actually set up the commands in a notepad, change the package name each time, and copy/paste the commands, and you’re only a couple of seconds slower than opening the package manager, searching, scrolling to find what you want, clicking to install… See what I’m getting at?

Windows isn’t really faster than that. You have to go to a site, download, find the exe or msi in your download folder, then click in the various pop-up windows. And you can find .deb files that do the same thing as an exe or msi, just not for every program, because they’re an unnecessary pain in the ass. It’s extra steps.

I promise you, comparing the way Linux works now, and the learning curve it takes to the learning curve on windows back when it was a new experience (and I’m talking windows 95, the previous msdos shells were worse than that), Linux is way easier. And don’t even get me started on how shitty a user experience DOS was. Jfc, I’m dyslexic, and it was a nightmare. Windows 95 wasn’t a big jump better in dyslexia land, but it was at least better than DOS.

If you were used to something like mac only, and had never used windows, the transition would be similarly annoying. And, for me at least, dealing with installs on windows is more of a pain in the ass now that I’m used to package managers.

I did a clean install of Windows 7 on my media PC (and yes, you valiant security friends, it’s air gapped) maybe two years ago. From start to finish, including programs, took me about five hours.

My laptop that I run Linux mint on? An hour, start to finish. The only differences in the programs installed are in specifics, not in types. I plugged in my live drive, hit install, and was ready to start installing programs in maybe twenty minutes. My media pc is an old gaming PC, btw. Tons of ram, ssd, etc. The laptop is an old thinkpad. So it wasn’t like the laptop was better hardware lol.

Which seems tangential, but it’s pointing to the underlying ease of use once you’re used to the system. I’ve being doing windows installs since the nineties (and a little before, but only in classes), so it isn’t like I’m not experienced. I’ve only been doing Linux installs since about 2015.

Hell, my very first Linux install was Ubuntu on my dad’s old computer just to make sure I didn’t screw a box up that was in use. Even that, going from Ubuntu being ready to go, and having the programs set up to use was only maybe two hours, and that was mostly looking up the very process that’s been described by others in this thread and copy/pasting things in for each program.

So don’t get discouraged. If you end up really not liking it once you get past the learning curve, that’s okay, windows will still be there. You can go back to it. But, if you’re like me at all, once that learning curve is past, you won’t enjoy the extra hassles windows puts in the way.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Self hosting isn’t a solution to replace off site storage.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, I’ll download stuff just because I don’t want to dig through all the DVDs lol.

But, yah, I actually have done that a few times. I even did it twice with goonies. I keep forgetting that I got it as a gift on DVD years ago, get a hankering to watch it, and I’ve got so many files that it’s easy for my dyslexic ass to miss one while scrolling.

Did it with several of those older nostalgia movies here and there because of the same reason. But I still never get around to dyslexia proofing my file naming lol.

The DCEU ends not with a bang, but a wimper. (lemmy.ml)

10 years after Zod’s snapped neck, Martha, “some kinda Suicide Squad”, CGI moustache, rennouncing your wish, the hiearchy of power changing, and Speed Force PS1 graphics, the DC Extended Universe finally comes to a close. And it ends the same way it started - with a Rotten score....

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Hopes? None. Warner Bros. has no fucking clue how to use DC characters and ideas in theaters. They may get lucky with specific movies being decent, but the best movies are not even as good as the worst of the animated movies and series. They keep throwing money and names at live action, instead of focusing on telling good stories that stay true to the essence of the characters.

I don’t see Gunn doing any better tbh. For one, he’s going to be hamstrung by whatever Warner decides is the goal. For another, he’s going to end up limited by whatever flawed view executives have of the servers characters. And then he still may not have a grasp of what either comics fans or non comic fans need from a movie featuring DC characters.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Now, I’m not talking about exactly the same thing here. And I don’t actually run any sites at this point in my life.

That being said, I considered setting up a site to host my stuff. Mostly writing, some art, just a kind of vanity project that would let me distribute files to friends and family with an easy link instead of having to send them files when requested.

So, I could have used any hosting service since it’s all legal files. I own all the copy rights, and that means the price starts out pretty low. I never looked into what the less stringent services would cost.

But, it worked out that it would cost me about 300 a year between domain name, file hosting, and ssl certificate, etc at the cheapest rates I could find.

Which is why I didn’t do it, lol. It’s way cheaper to just deal with the hassles of sending files via telegram or whatever. That only costs time.

I’ve a friend that runs a site for their business though. He’s shelling out about a grand a year, and doesn’t host any files for download. That’s with some fancy templates, and some kind of security thing that I’ve never asked about the specifics of. He was a bit surprised how much it cost.

So I suspect that if someone wanted to actually host a large amount of files like movies, games, and music would need, they’d be looking at that range as a minimum cost. The storage space is fairly expensive once you’re into terabytes, or so I was told.

But I don’t think the repack folks do it that way. They use torrents, which means things are cheaper. So the costs of that are probably closer to the bottom end of the scale where I would have been

Again, this is not the same thing, and I’m guesstimating off of research I did years ago, so don’t take it as some kind of expert talking.

How many of you run a Linux phone (Pine64, Librem etc) as your daily driver?

I was going through Pine64’s page again after I found the latest KDE announcement. With that said, I seem to see a lot of issues with firmware on the Pine, whilst the Librem is just plain out of budget for me. Was interested in how many people here run a Linux mobile as a daily driver, and how has your experience been?...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, the call problems are a dealbreaker for any phone at all, imo. Maybe not for a toy, but it’s bonkers that they’d release a phone OS that isn’t 100% call stable.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ehhh, Axl has gone on record about when and why he wrote the song, and why he used the words he used. He outright said that he didn’t like gay people unless it was lesbians he could watch because that’s his fetish. He did say that he was only using the slurs to point at part of the groups, but the way he said it was still both racist and homophobic.

Slash has said on the record that he objected to the song, and wished it hadn’t been made, but that (at the time) the band didn’t interfere with each other creatively. He also didn’t play much on the track, btw. Afaik, Axl wrote all the acoustic guitar on it, because he’s stated on the record that he sucked at the guitar and was essentially just strumming two strings. I’ve never seen any breakdown of who played what on the recording though, so I can’t say who is playing on the track.

However, Slash has also said that while he didn’t like the song, he wasn’t pissed at Axl because of it. But you can’t use that as a guideline for the song being acceptable or not because a shit ton of other musicians were quite vocal in their objections at the time (including the band that toured with them during that era, Living Color).

It isn’t anyone ascribing anything to him (axl), it’s what he himself has said in interviews, and on stage.

In later interviews he’s outright said that he as a person was a rage junkie (abridged version lol, he did a lot of interviews), and absolutely had hatred for gay people as a whole. He’s given multiple reasons for that, and none of those are self-contradictory. However, none of them excuse his behavior towards gay people.

As far as other things he’s said about his racial beliefs, I don’t know if it’s fair to say he’s full on racist, as in hating black people or any given ethnic group. What is fair to say is that his excuses for use the n slur in the song amount to stereotyping and was certainly intended to attack at least the black people he was stereotyping.

Now, I’m pulling this from having been a fan of the band since they broke into national awareness, and all the stuff I read and heard along the way. But, the interviews are usually available online. I know the Rolling Stone magazine stuff is. There’s still concert ,footage of him from the era ranting about being accused of bigotry, though that was pretty much just him saying “fuck you” to anyone that didn’t like him.

Very specifically, Axl has said that he wrote it from his own perspective, talking about his experiences and his anger. The “one in a million” sections of the song are him repeating something said to him in real life because he was a raging asshole (again, he’s said that on record).

So, the worst motives being ascribed to him aren’t ONLY because he isn’t well liked. Hell, I’ve still got the vinyl of Lies, and have the rest of the pre-breakup albums on at least CD, if not multiple formats. I don’t hate Axl, much less the band.

Knopfler has also been open about how his song was written, and it’s intent. It was, just as you said, holding up the kind of speech and behavior in the song to ridicule. That’s been his public stance on the song from the beginning, and it has never changed afaik. The lyrics support that stance. He’s told the story of writing down many of the lines from the song after hearing them in person by another person. The lyrics are saying that the musicians on stage and screen are the yo-yos playing Hawaiian music, so the f slur in the song would be directed at Knopfler himself even if he was writing from his own perspective.

I know, that’s a lot of words for a decades old song lol. But anyone that was a fan of the band back then had to negotiate the matter. My best friend still hates Axl because of the song. The debate about exactly how bad the lyrics are was a nearly daily thing for a few weeks after the EP came out. I never hated Axl, I don’t waste my hate on strangers very often (and never on strangers that can’t really do anything with whatever bullshit they spew). But I get why people do.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Damn, Spock over there looking like he’s been smoking the local security shrubbery

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Either way, you end up slaving away for someone else’s profit. Either a landlord or a bank.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I really think he just wanted to draw an anus

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, I’ll echo the soulseek suggestion. It’s trivial to find anything but the most obscure stuff, and even that’s possible. I have something like 4tb of total shared files, of which about 2tb is music, almost all in flac format, with acceptable tagging standards. And I’m a lightweight on soulseek.

Throw in musicbrainz to flesh out the tags, and you’re good to go.

Just be sure to share some of your stuff back, and you’re set. There are people that won’t let you download from them unless you’re sharing, so it matters.

What are your experiences with polyamory, first or second hand?

I personally am in a phenomenally stable polyamorous relationship. I’ve been married to my wife for 12 years, and she has had the same boyfriend for about half of that time. It’s a really fulfilling arrangement for all of us in various ways. We’re all genuinely happy and satisfied. I’m kind of casually looking for a...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

No real first hand experience. I kinda interacted with people that were /are poly, but wasn’t part of their group.

But the thing I noticed about poly groups regarding the kind of stability that would be a success in any objective view, is that there’s usually a core few that comprise the true group, with anyone else being kinda replaceable. It’s usually either a “throuple”, or two pairs, and those core relationships are what really matters when there’s any trouble.

Imo, that makes sense. In a real world sense, nobody loves everyone equally. It might get close, but we as a species just aren’t that controlled in our emotions. They’re shifting and tied to so many different memories that it’s barley possible to have comparable levels of love, much less exactly the same.

And, there’s the issue of numbers and work. If a couple has X amount of work to maintain, a third person doesn’t turn that into X+1, it turns it into X^3, because you have A×B, the first two, then you have A×C, B×C, and, A×B×C. The dynamics of each pair of individuals is the same, but you add the dynamics of the group to that. Add a 4th person, and you get X^4, and so on. So, the larger the group gets, the harder it is to actually maintain every relationship at all, much less equally.

But! I know two poly groups that have been stable for a long time. One since the mid nineties, the other since 2003 (officially, but they got together informally a few years before that). The older group stabilized out at five people back around 98, when a couple that had joined in decided it wasn’t working for them.

The other group is essentially a foursome, though they tend to rotate through twosomes over time. Like, one couple spends a few months more focused on each other, then the other two people either do the same or float a little as individuals without as much group interaction. But they’re all bisexual as well as poly, so there’s that helping out a little; everyone is into everyone romantically and sexually, so there’s less chance of someone feeling left out.

Both groups have kids, btw. Which can get a little tough on the kids in school, but damned if it isn’t a plus at home. Like, those kids never lack for someone to help them, give them affection or discipline, or anything. The oldest boy from the longer lasting group is out on his own now, and doing well for himself.

The only other poly group I know well enough to have picked up details about their arrangements went back a lot further, back into the sixties when they met. Which is a success, if you ask me, but there’s only the one lady left now, and that’s fucking brutal to lose three partners that you love like that. I don’t know if it’s any worse than losing a monogamous partner or not, but holy hell has she been through some pain over the last two decades.

I call them a success though. They went through fourty-plus years together, raised kids, lived life, and stuck together. I didn’t meet any of them until one of the guys had a stroke, back before I got hit with the disability stick and had to quit working. I was a CNA, and when he had the next stroke, they asked if I could come back, so I got to know them a good bit. But they’d lost one of their group between times to cancer.

For myself, I don’t think I could handle that part. I know that if my wife dies before me, it’s going to break me. I can’t imagine going through that two or three (or more) times.

Which is probably not the most pleasant way to end this comment, being a bit less happy than maybe you were wanting. But I figure if one group of people can live poly together long enough for that, then polyamory is nothing to dismiss, and it’s certainly proof that it can be satisfying and good.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not necessarily.

People can be that strange. It makes it hard to weed out the absurd and surreal things by origin (human vs bot)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Shit, I came too late.

We don’t get door to door trick or treat any more.

So I do home made treats , and have up a sign that adults can request them for their kids. Unaccompanied kids would be SOL, but the ones we get are people that know I do it, so there’s always an adult making the request.

I actually ran out this year entirely. There’s usually a little left over. I lost count of the cars after about thirty. Small town, word gets around past the folks that know me personally (which is how it started, me doing baggies for kids I know along with store bought packaged candy).

Kinda funny, I was ranting earlier about how Halloween got screwed up because of jerks messing with kids, and it breaking the point of Halloween. But this is the busiest year I’ve had in ages because I went old school lol.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">And this is why I have no cameras in my home
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean, magic is just weird shit that isn’t fully understood yet.

That being said, you might as well look at it as branches.

Each state is a possibility, thus both exist.

The “magic” isn’t that the probabilities of either state being in effect suddenly collapsed and became reality. The magic is that by observing the result, we collapse our own probability and are suddenly aware of the branch that we exist in. But we also exist in that other branch, suddenly aware that we exist in it. But “both” of us are incapable of viewing that other branch.

Which is all mumbo-jumbo, but I’m a fiction writer, so I don’t have to be rigorous :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I would object on general principles, but…


It ain’t wrong lol.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dude. Go back to reddit. Lemmy really doesn’t need this kind of hyper aggressive stuff. Be better.

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