Simple as that, I have a few GPUs hanging around and I want to build a GPU node for my kubernetes cluster. I already have one, GPUs are attached and it can do cool things like transcoding plex easy enough, but I’m starting to look to the horizon for my next big projects....
I would guess they’re a fire hazard because of the overclocking they do. They’re either a long term (heh) project and they’re immaculate, or they know they need to squeeze every bit of value and abuse the fuck out of those GPUs. I think you can tell if a rig is dangerous so you should be ok
How have others gotten friends/family to make the switch? I’ve been doing a cleanup of my digital life over the last year or so and am trying to move to using more privacy friendly alternatives where possible....
Funny thing is that a lot of people actually do give pins and shit. I know more than a few people that straight up gave me their card and the pin number to buy shit when I was a kid.
Besides, giving embarrassing information to a faceless billion dollar company does not feel as bad as giving it to someone who judges you if they find that info embarrassing. It’s illogical but that’s how a lot of people think.
Yeah that’s what sucks about this. But you don’t have to really call for intimate messages. WhatsApp cannot read you message since it’s E2EE but they do store and use the metadata. So a casual message and an intimate messages are the same in a WhatsApp server’s eyes.
Clients like Thunderbird are great because you have everything stored locally so you can easily search offline. They also support encrypting and decrypting emails in PGP. However, they seem to have the same limitation as protonmail where you can’t search through encrypted emails....
You can’t search encrypted emails, period. The way I see the benefit of encrypting emails is to not have them compromised in the cloud servers. But on my own machine, if someone gains access to the files, then it’s all ogre. Maybe that’s just me IDK.
That’s cool but I like to have a central client for all my email providers. I’ve decided to go to fastmail which is good enough for my threat model. The thing that really convinced me is their blog post.
The main thing I care about is the security of the text in transit, and the philosophy of the service I’m using. All respectable mail providers use TLS (even gmail and outlook) but I don’t like their advertiser dependent business model. Proton, tutanota, and I think startmail do respect privacy, but I believe it’s dumb to depend on an external server if you’re that paranoid about your communications that you need to have your email using PGP. Just encrypt your own stuff and tell the other party to do the same. Or self host everything.
Do you have to put in your password on every session in protonmail? If not, then that means that either the key is unencrypted and is stored somewhere else as plaintext or the password is stored somewhere also as plaintext, which would defeat the purpose.
The USSR, Cuba, PRC is better but for some reason they are very authoritarian.
What competition?
Granted there are many industries that don’t have good competition, but the vast majority do. Look at clothes makers, construction, pharma.
What value does Donald Trump bring to society?
He bought real estate where there was more demand than people expected, and took advantage of that. There was no apartments in the empty plot before Trump Tower, now there is and people want them.
Prove it. (innovation)
The USSR did have great amounts of innovation in the beginning, but once you get to a certain point, it just gets pretty much impossible. Look at the second person’s answer.
Prove it (reconcile)
While it is dumb to say that there are no texts to reconcile these issues. It is crazy how the USSR didn’t implement any solution except rewarding innovation to drive innovation. I’d say that is enough evidence to say with confidence that there are no existing solutions to the mentioned issues.
You mean completely unlike people brainwashed into believiing “capitalism gud?”
Sure there is some brainwashing in the right where they think capitalism is great in and of itself. I think that people also recognize that capitalism needs some good amount of regulation that would curb the failures there. It’s not perfect as it exists now, but it sure as shit better than any socialist or communist nation.
Socialism seems perfectly alive and kicking to me - despite the uncountable amounts of treasure spent violently crushing it.
If you’re gonna make enemies with the most powerful nation in the world, that usually happens. The USA saw a threat to their influence and took action.
Oh yeah that makes sense. Because a revolution automatically means that your life expectancy increases. At this point, let’s just have continuous revoltuions back to back. We’ll live forever.
I have noticed that I interact a lot more in Lemmy than I ever did in any social media. Let it be Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… I am used to be the lurker, but here for some reason things are different. Wonder if more people feel like I do.
The diamond industry sucks don’t get me wrong. But the real culpurists are the dumbfuck diamond buyers.
My friend is a diamond salesperson and told me a story about one of their customers. They were looking at different pieces and the customer kept asking about the purity of the diamonds in the piece. Whenever my friend said it’s “SI,” the customer would be visibly disappointed and would ask for “VS” or “VVS” which are purer. My friend then got annoyed a bit and told the customer that purity doesn’t matter once you reach “SI” since the impurities are not really visible by the naked eye. He even showed the customer 2 pieces with one looking 10 times better than the other but has SI diamonds and the non-pretty piece has VS diamonds. He asked the customer to tell him which is which and the customer wrongly said the SI one was more pure. Even after he revealed his ruse and showed that purity doesn’t matter much, the customer kept asking for more pure pieces as if nothing happened.
These “people” literallly are willingly being lied to, and they like it. If a diamond buyer saw a piece, told you they love it, told you they would buy it, then you told them it’s a synthetic, they would be disgusted. It’s bullshit from all sides and they deserve eachother.
It's the beer, I knew it! (
Why docker
Hi! Question in the title....
Your PC will thank you... (
Fish Taco (
What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? (
For me it’s the notification light you used to find on older phones, was particularly good to know if your phone was charged without picking it up
How would you build a GPU-heavy node?
Simple as that, I have a few GPUs hanging around and I want to build a GPU node for my kubernetes cluster. I already have one, GPUs are attached and it can do cool things like transcoding plex easy enough, but I’m starting to look to the horizon for my next big projects....
Switching to more privacy friendly alternatives
How have others gotten friends/family to make the switch? I’ve been doing a cleanup of my digital life over the last year or so and am trying to move to using more privacy friendly alternatives where possible....
Debian being insanely stable (
Useless messenger (
And no IPad version to
Wolfram 🍑♥️🔥 (
Privacy Win: EU Parliament Decides That Your Private Messages Must Not Be Scanned! (
Once a pirate, always a pirate (
Why Not Store Encrypted Emails in Plaintext Locally?
Clients like Thunderbird are great because you have everything stored locally so you can easily search offline. They also support encrypting and decrypting emails in PGP. However, they seem to have the same limitation as protonmail where you can’t search through encrypted emails....
eat the rich (
It’s a meme
Do you interact more in Lemmy?
I have noticed that I interact a lot more in Lemmy than I ever did in any social media. Let it be Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… I am used to be the lurker, but here for some reason things are different. Wonder if more people feel like I do.
Honestly, fuck the diamond industry (
This is Depressing
Does anyone else feel as if it’s over when it comes to really owning your own things?...