No one is seriously questioning the authenticity of this attack, though I would not be surprised if Bibi knew of it (since, you know, they were literally told about it beforehand) and allowed it to happen to both avoid his legal troubles and to give his ultranationalist party and military a pretense for driving out or killing Palestinians.
Pearl Harbor and 9/11 weren’t fake either, and both were used to excuse atrocities too.
Yes, the US news media has a fairly long complete-since-the-founding-of-the-US history of dehumanizing people of color in their language. No surprise it’s kicked into overdrive with this “conflict” in particular.
Israel never stopped murdering Palestinians in the West Bank, and even shot a bunch of Palestinian civilians who tried to go North during the “cease-fire”.
The cease-fire was Hamas trying to give people as much time to evacuate as they could, because Israel was clear from the beginning that they intended to go back to murdering Palestinians afterwards. And of course Israel is now expanding “operations” in the South, since that’s where the majority of Palestinians are now.
It’s very telling that the media began insinuating (or labeling outright) Representatives Omar and Tlaib as being antisemitic for criticizing Israel’s response, but when Sanders says the same thing, and even more, they don’t.
If it’s not antisemitic for a Jewish person to say, it’s not antisemitic for someone else to. No one is immune from criticism that would otherwise be valid, simply because of who is giving it.
Everyone knows this. We have seen the response of “World Leaders”, and it’s to appoint an oil executive to be President of COP28 so he can falsely and perniciously claim that ‘no one’ is actually saying to get rid fossil fuels.
Governments have already decided that they are not going to miss out on any sweet sweet potential economic activity (read “money generation for politicians”) until it gets so bad that they have to to survive. They’re going to play chicken with each other and employ police to put down protests until we finally do something about it/them ourselves.
Israel killed Palestinians in Gaza who were heading North during the “cease-fire”.
Israel killed Palestinians in the West Bank who they said were Hamas during the “cease-fire”.
Israel never even wanted the cease-fire except that it would lay bare Bibi’s complete lack of giving a shit about the hostages on Hamas’s side if he refused, and he couldn’t afford that either internationally or internally.
Not quite what it refers to now, but I’m sure you’ll inform us that you know better.
Tankie is a pejorative label generally applied to communists who express support for one-party communist regimes that are associated with Marxism–Leninism, whether contemporary or historical.