It’s so hilarious seeing them just plain state that people aren’t allowed to talk about normal-ass stuff if the government doesn’t like it, and then seeing people online who try to defend them.
Fuck Lenin for turning a philosophy of freedom and cooperation and consensus into just another tool of State/authoritarian power.
bUt It’S nOt PrAcTiCaL oThErWiSe
No, you’re just scared of what it would actually look like. Lots of supposed Communists who are scared of the whole “stateless” part meaning they can’t finagle their way into power, or who just want the revolution as a vehicle to change who is in power (i.e. them).
It’s very funny to me that you keep bringing up Gaza like it’s some counterpoint to what I’m saying, when all you’re doing is pointing out another bloodthirsty regime’s crimes. Do you think that Israel’s government being evil is somehow a rebuttal to China’s government being evil?
He doesn’t give a shit about the hostages, he wants to expel Palestinians from north Gaza, if not all of it. He will bomb all the tunnels where they’re being held, then blame Hamas for “putting them in the way of the bombs”.
This is going to be one of those moments that creates a generational shift.
Boomers are never going to turn on Israel en masse, but when Millennials and Zoomers are in control, you can bet that Israel ain’t gonna be on many peoples’ list of allies.
Hamas wouldn’t have done 10/7 if not for Israel’s colonialism and genocide, and Israel has never had a true “ceasefire” in Palestine. They for years have done bombing campaigns that they euphemize as “mowing the grass”, against Gaza. You can’t divorce the current conflict from the history that led to it.
Turns out that desperation breeds extremism, and Israel is the one who made Palestinians desperate.
People don’t denounce slaves who revolt as being too brutal, but continually murdering and starving peoples’ children apparently is not bad enough to justify revolt when it’s only Palestinians being murdered.