More than one system exists to define unit multiples based on the byte. Some systems are based on powers of 10, following the International System of Units (SI), which defines for example the prefix kilo as 1000 (103); other systems are based on powers of 2.
Your system calculates 1 terabyte as 1 tebibyte which is 2^40 bytes=1,099,511,627,776 bytes and the hardware manufacturers calculate 1 terabyte as 1 terabyte which is 10^12=1,000,000,000,000 bytes. That is where the discrepancy is.
For me it’s the canned cranberries. Everyone always wants the fresh stuff. Fuck that. Gimme that highly processed flavored corn syrup in a log, please.
Imagine the scene where Q(uinn) takes the Voyager and crew down to sub atomic scales and back to the Big Bang and then Ms Frizzle and the school bus go floating by.
I've been robbed! (
It doesn't always feel good to compare yourself to your parents (
It just isn't complete without it (
Sokath, his eyes uncovered! (
Bat-Trek (
Please wear a mask (
Blind date? (
What did you have for breakfast this morning? (
Picard is a fancy lad. (
From Cabin Boy (1994) featuring Ann Magnuson aka Admiral Clancy.
Me teaching Excel this week. (
DMZ has its moments (
The magic starship (
Seriously, watch this scene from First Contact and listen to Worf. (
This is definitely me (
A most honorable dessert (or breakfast? I wont judge) (
Returning to the Thanksgiving feast after your "walk" (
Bliss for Beverly (