Here we have an example of the discovery crew going at each other’s throats. This poor Emperor just wants to rule and her second in command is always going after her. This is from season 3. Also I’m just being a smartass to tease Stamets.
You’re correct. To be fair I posted without coffee from memory so I was bound to get a few wrong. My point still stands. All numbers are in pi in the first 32 digits.
Where did you get that value of pi. Pi is 3.14159265358979323846264323338950338327950. That’s 32 digits (to the first zero) and there’s definitely every number in it.
There is so much in this game you’ll continue to find stuff even on a 5th or 10th playthrough. I’ve played through it about 10 times now and I still find stuff.
I just finished saving Duke Ravenguard and the first thing he did was complain about his son. Dude is kind of an ass. Is it too late to put him back in the prison? I kinda wish I hadn’t saved him.
As long as you only click to where the targeting circle ends you’ll float over to it. If you click past the circle you’ll walk first wasting some flight movement.
I think i misread this when I woke up. You have to click the fly action first (you get this action from illithid powers, grant flight spell, or potion of flying), then click to where you want to move. Don’t click outside the giant circle or youll start walking first and that will use up some movement of flight. You can see how much movement you have left by looking at the bottom of your screen and that little yellow line is the amount of movement you have left relative to your maximum movement. Also if you have everyone use the astral touched tadpole they will get flight for free so you can have your whole squad flying if you pass a few persuasion/intimidation checks.
It appears in the radial only if you have flight status. So you cast flight on yourself, then you click the fly action, then you have to choose where to land. The path can’t be blocked which is why you were getting that message. Also the pathing can be weird so sometimes i have to rotate my camera to get the path right and then flight will work.
I’m on ps5 too. Basically for fly the interface lies. The best way to use it is fly to the edge of the circle it shows you, and then fly again. You can use it as many times as you like as long as you have movement left. I think fly is like 30 meters so with haste its 60 meters and that is basically the submarine to the rooms. The reason you have to fly to the edge of the targeting circle and then fly again is because there is a bug that doesn’t show you the true distance.
We just got ambushed in a courtyard by about 15 enemies standing on a walkway above us, with no immediately obvious way for us to get up there. We were sitting ducks. So Shadowheart cast blade barrier across the entire walkway. In addition to doing a lot of damage every turn, it imposes difficult terrain. All of the enemies...
Cloudkill is how I deal with those fucks. Get to move it every turn so if they run out you just plop it back down on top of them. I use cloudkill to great effect in the throne room too.
The Shar-worshipping crazy goth chick is a great character concept. Trouble is, the game seems to throw a lot of great light-related cleric spells and equipment at us, and all the alternatives seem to be bad. From an RP point of view, Shadowheart obviously shouldn’t be wielding a light-emitting mace, wearing radiance armor,...
Crystals good, fungus bad (
Ransomware (
Voyager S5 E26 Equinox
easy as π (
Enterprise Bingo: 24th Century Edition (
aka the “Yes, bloody D” Edition...
Jaheira just told me off and left my party at the very end of the game and idk why
Spoilers for the end of act 3 below....
Duke Ravenguard - spoilers act 3
I just finished saving Duke Ravenguard and the first thing he did was complain about his son. Dude is kind of an ass. Is it too late to put him back in the prison? I kinda wish I hadn’t saved him.
"Captain's log..." (
Kirk hits rock bottom. (
Me when my mother hits me for sneaking an early piece of pie (
Captain's log... (
And then make stupid memes (
Blade barrier is fucking amazing!
We just got ambushed in a courtyard by about 15 enemies standing on a walkway above us, with no immediately obvious way for us to get up there. We were sitting ducks. So Shadowheart cast blade barrier across the entire walkway. In addition to doing a lot of damage every turn, it imposes difficult terrain. All of the enemies...
Lore-friendly playstyle/itemization for Shadowheart? (Acts 1 & 2)
The Shar-worshipping crazy goth chick is a great character concept. Trouble is, the game seems to throw a lot of great light-related cleric spells and equipment at us, and all the alternatives seem to be bad. From an RP point of view, Shadowheart obviously shouldn’t be wielding a light-emitting mace, wearing radiance armor,...