I keep containers in camp with “one of everything” cause I’m that kind of collector. In my first playthrough I just grabbed random containers and sent them to camp, but that was a mistake because they all looked the same. Second playthrough, I tried using only unique containers and tried to associate them with their contents. For example, the container you get on the illithid ship contained “weird unique shit”; and the pre-order bonus gilded container you find in camp contained only unique armor; and a mundane container contained crap like silverware you looted.
Every once in a while I’d sort the container contents and restack if there were duplicates. This happened regularly in my container with books, for example.
So my QoL request (on top of naming containers) is a restack option, which combines stacks of identical items.
This is a marketing trick, part of the shrinkflation treadmill.
(1) Step one, make a box with three rows of cookies.
(2) Step two, make two products, one with two rows (at a slightly lower price than the three rows), and introduce a Family Size/Share Size/etc. with four rows that costs just under double.
(3) Step three, return two step one, but now with a higher price.
Repeat ad nauseum.
The thing is, as a single consumer who is trying to buy at the best price point at any given time, I’ll fall for it repeatedly.
ITT: people sitting in their comfortable first world environment commenting using electronics which were certainly mined somewhere, convinced they’re oppressed and not the root cause.