It was third year physics for me, and the professor opened with what was the paraphrased version of the above quote. One of the hardest classes we ever took. Very cool to see statistics used in a proof like that.
I decided to fact check. As far as I can tell, the initial stories were all based off of rumour and supposition, amplified by twitter (Elon specifically). I do see stories about the fallout, including a 100M defamation lawsuit. On the balance of probabilities, my factcheck concludes that it is likely a fabricated story.
Dunno. Trying casting remove curse on the character and see what happens. That’s how it works on the handful of other cursed weapons and armor I’ve seen in game. The game is so complex that I’d never say with confidence that there isn’t some way to end up with a curse in some questline I didn’t pursue. :)
In the web interface, crossposting is handled more cleanly – both in making them, but also collapsing them. Not sure why. Nevertheless, it is one of the few shortcomings of using Connect.
Ideally, it would show the post once, and then show the comment threads for each community, so you can dive into the various comment threads from any/all of the crossposts.
I actually miss SVN. It had a lot of issues, yes, but the cognitive barrier was so much smaller. When I have a merge error in git, I basically just delete my repo and make a new one…