Sort of. Continental philosophy is great if you’re a stoner, a hopeless romantic, have preconceived religious notions that your philosophy must have a carve out for, or if you write for Hollywood.
Sometimes you get all four. See for example, the “totally scientifically plausible movie, Interstellar!” which posits that love permits time travel… Which this meme format would work great for ;)
Ah, yes, systems of linear equations. If you’re a paramedic, you’ll probably be fine and have an intuitive understanding of most of this stuff already. The jargon and notation will throw you off, probably, but you’ll probably pick it up quickly.
Practical problems you’ll face are things like: if I deliver 10 mg of a drug, and it has an uptake of 50% per hour, and a functioning liver removal rate of 10% per hour, and I want to ensure that there’s 5 mg in the patient’s bloodstream at all times, how big of a dose and how often…
But the reality is: you’ll have a table to reference and won’t likely need to calculate this on a regular basis. What you will need to do is trust the table, and for that, you have to understand how the table was made :)
If you look at the dot com bubble, there’s a lot of corporate colonization in the 90s. Many of them didn’t survive their stock crashing in 2000 ( is a good example). Some things were not able to be launched until the internet infrastructure supported it properly (YouTube, for example), so yes some things do date to the 00s. But largely, by 1998, the internet was already on its current trajectory.
The reason Google was so disruptive at the time was that they didn’t charge websites to get listed – it was a business model that relied on actually finding what people were searching for. The fact that this model was disruptive at the time tells you how corporate it was even by then.
Somewhere, in the back of my memory, I have recollection of an old school comedy sketch with a title like “foghorns in disguise”. Monty Python or Kids in the Hall or something similar. Wherein people would start a conversation with someone, only for that someone to respond by being a foghorn. But all attempts at googling this sketch has ends in total failure. I thought it might be the enshitification of Google search results, but I tried a few others too. Now I think I might have dreamed it.
My hero. Thanks! I’ve been using the web interface for a few weeks because Scaled is just such a better choice. I’d even go so far as to suggest making it the default for all apps and servers. :)