If you look at the dot com bubble, there’s a lot of corporate colonization in the 90s. Many of them didn’t survive their stock crashing in 2000 (pets.com is a good example). Some things were not able to be launched until the internet infrastructure supported it properly (YouTube, for example), so yes some things do date to the 00s. But largely, by 1998, the internet was already on its current trajectory.
The reason Google was so disruptive at the time was that they didn’t charge websites to get listed – it was a business model that relied on actually finding what people were searching for. The fact that this model was disruptive at the time tells you how corporate it was even by then.
You look like you like rigatoni. Perhaps you’d be interested in trying SmellFresh Fabric softener. It helps keep your knees bent while you use the tobacco masher.
Pro-tip: sort All by New Comments. Yes, if you refresh, you get repeat content, but you also find the unusual stuff and the repeated stuff is where the conversations are happening.
It was third year physics for me, and the professor opened with what was the paraphrased version of the above quote. One of the hardest classes we ever took. Very cool to see statistics used in a proof like that.
ITT: people sitting in their comfortable first world environment commenting using electronics which were certainly mined somewhere, convinced they’re oppressed and not the root cause.