Ths might be a silly question, but asking those is how i learn sometimes. I’m trying to install my first Linux distro to set up a Plex server and one of the few things I know is you need a wired internet connection. My intended server location is across the house from my router, and there isnt much room there to set up...
I just took it favoring a daily driver for gaming and every distro it gave had either didn’t work, isn’t optimized for, or requires additional config for gaming.
I’d imagine they were giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming everybody uses a metric that allows for 1 conversion to tell how far a tank of fuel will take you.
I’ve been distrohopping for a while now, and eventually I landed on Arch. Part of the reason I have stuck with it is I think I had a balanced introduction, since I was exposed to both praise and criticism. We often discuss our favorite distros, but I think it’s equally important to talk about the ones that didn’t quite hit...
I just now discovered why people are hating on Ubuntu pro by receiving a note that Ubuntu will not provide security updates for some apps it came with unless you activate Pro.
I think I’m done with Ubuntu on any personal machines.
I’ve heard of things like iPostal and Traveling Mailbox. Do these services allow you to register with bank, DMV, IRS, Voting, etc? How do they work? Would a normal P.O box using its physical address from USPS work? I’ve tried researching it and haven’t gotten clear answers....
Unless your government id has a PO box on it you’re likely not going to get the results you’re looking for. As somebody else mentioned, that info is public record.
I will say that Apple is 100 percent collecting your data. Health, financial, biometric, anything you put in an Apple Device is subject. Like most large companies, the are probably also purchasing profile data from Acxiom and Experian.
I don’t know if they are doing it with this service but Apple is definitely not respecting your privacy. If you are concerned about privacy, you’re better off trying to use more specialized tools for a job than any singular ecosystem. Apple wants everybody to be in their single ecosystem to better build profiles in their systems.
At work, I have to run a command in an AWS instance. In that particular instance only exists the root user. The command should not be executed with root privileges (it executes mpirun, which is not recommended to run as sudo or the machine might break), so I was wondering if there is a way to block or disable the sudo privileges while the command is running. As mentioned, the only user existing there is root, so I suppose "sudo -u" is not an option.
It’s not that an Amazon instance can be a docker container. It was more that the behavior you are describing is extremely odd for a full Linux environment but normal for a docker container.
If you created the instance, it isn’t likely a container. But it also sounds like the base image might be poorly set up
Just think, somewhere in the multiverse is a universe where boomers can’t afford houses because their kids traveled back in time and bought them all up.
On Windows and Mac, you are doing a number of things implicitly that you don’t realize.
When you download from their site, you are expected to verify the integrity and validity of the install file yourself. You also have to take ownership of installing any dependencies yourself.
With the instructions mulvad is providing you, you are connecting to a repo and apt does all that for you.
Some installs don’t require dependencies, but some do. Long term, this style of install tends to be a lot simpler, you just have to learn it.
But more importantly and as others have stated. Linux is different. If you aren’t interested in learning a new workflow, you should stick with something familiar. That’s a choice you should make not because others said it but because you want it.
Can I pre-install Ubuntu on an SSD?
Ths might be a silly question, but asking those is how i learn sometimes. I’m trying to install my first Linux distro to set up a Plex server and one of the few things I know is you need a wired internet connection. My intended server location is across the house from my router, and there isnt much room there to set up...
Could we add "Distrochooser" to the sidebar? (
Quite a few posts about selecting a distro to use. Maybe it’s time to make that link a little more prominent?
I prefer speeds per Swedes (
Dukat is upset they still haven't built a statue of him in the parking lot for pushing a cart into traffic (
Impossible (
father jokes
eGPU docks?
Hi all,...
(Constructively) What is your least favorite distro & why?
I’ve been distrohopping for a while now, and eventually I landed on Arch. Part of the reason I have stuck with it is I think I had a balanced introduction, since I was exposed to both praise and criticism. We often discuss our favorite distros, but I think it’s equally important to talk about the ones that didn’t quite hit...
Oxygen. (
How Do I Avoid Giving Home Address to Bank?
I’ve heard of things like iPostal and Traveling Mailbox. Do these services allow you to register with bank, DMV, IRS, Voting, etc? How do they work? Would a normal P.O box using its physical address from USPS work? I’ve tried researching it and haven’t gotten clear answers....
Encouraging Lemmy growth like (
and posts
How private is Apple's Private Relay, really?
You’re forced to use Cloudflare. Don’t they track … everything?
Based Lucille Ball (
It's that time of the year again! ( en-gb…
At least you didn’t post it (
Did I put that back or not? (
I cut out AvocadoToast™ and now I'm a millionaire. (
Mozilla says Apple’s new browser rules are “as painful as possible” for Firefox (
Mozilla is unhappy because the use of browser engines other than WebKit will be restricted to the EU, forcing them to develop two different apps....
Google now (
GNOME is (Gradually!) Dropping X11 (
New Linux user here. Is this really how I'm supposed to install apps on Linux?