they had a tendency to overheat in hot conditions, and when stuck in traffic. this is because they need a certain amount of air flowing in order to cool properly.
they also weren't very good for heat in the winter.
air cooling is a simpler system, and as such has less to go wrong with it. that doesn't make it better or worse. there are pros and cons to both systems.
one of my favorite jokes about this is on TNG. i think it's the episode where the bridge gets cut off from the rest of the ship, and Troi is in charge of running the ship. O'Brian makes a comment to Ro about how you can't 'just reroute power from things'.
this is basically why i ditched android and switched to iphones.
at the end of the day i need my phone to be a phone more than i need complete control over everything.
same with the PC OS. i like Linux, i like Windows, under some circumstances i even like MacOS. at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what OS i'm using, so long as the software i need to run, runs.