Do babies have memory?
Unsure if babies can form memories ages 1-2, my oldest memory is from around age 3. They do learn words when they are around 1 year old, so there must be some capacity for memory? What is going on there?
Unsure if babies can form memories ages 1-2, my oldest memory is from around age 3. They do learn words when they are around 1 year old, so there must be some capacity for memory? What is going on there?
I just had to report something to the police that will probably end a very close friendship of mine, but it was something that was totally not okay and I had to do it. But I still feel like a piece of shit for it. Have you ever felt like this and how did you get through it?
I have aspd (antisocial personality disorder). Wondering if there are any other cluster b bvi people, specifically aspd or npd.
The BuyItForLife subreddit is trying to figure out what to do with the changes hitting Reddit and some really interesting points about possible attempts to advertise products that aren't really BIFL. Would be great if we could encourage them to come here. Edit to add link that won't let Reddit track you:...
Looking for recommendations for a fan that is powerful but quiet. My couch sits in an alcove so I need to direct the cold air from the ac to me, but I am hyper sensitive to noise.
This little sack thing was on the tomato plant today. When it was touched, these little worm-looking things popped out, like a spider sack of worms....
How many people in the US have “been on tv”. There Isaacs got in my hometown who’s whole identity is that he was a contestant on a committe cooking show. I’m trying to gauge how common it is for a random person that you might meet at a bar to have been on TV. By this I mean:...
A video of the rescue shows the trio chasing the raccoon through a street before managing to get a catch pole around its neck. The jar is then carefully removed.
What the title says. I’m basically curious if the posts will be locked like on Reddit or if it will be possible to add comments to old posts (a feature which I missed on Reddit).
Side note: as a vegan, the dog meal is pretty good!
Pretty basic question but I am struggling to find the words to get the correct search result. The soldering iron I bought came with very narrow tips that I think are supposed to be used for circuit boards and components....
saw a 2nd year CS guy run a maze solver (for final exam) with 300 nested if-statements. worked about 50% of the time. so he added another 5000 nested ifs and got it up to 90%. good enough!