NVIDIA has fallen off the bus
Black screen. SSH in, look at dmesg, find this:...
Black screen. SSH in, look at dmesg, find this:...
I am trying to block all connections to microsoft ip addresses. I only occasionaly boot windows and don’t want it phoning home. I tried disabling the net interfaces in device manager but windows just re-enables them and send god only knows what back to their servers. I don’t like relying on disconnecting the ethernet cable...
I’m looking for conspiracy related forums/ communities.
Always had a cheap desktop computer and never thought a phone was worth it. Is there a reason people like me should reconsider?
Okay, so… I want to open with the observation that all the ships that have been attacked by the mysterious ship have been CGI....
Hello Sailors,...
Recently heard “feed the machine” for the first time and instantly wanna go destroy capatilsm and like join a picket line against the wealthy elite....
I purchased a second hand ThinkPad from an ebay outlet. When it arrived I wiped windows 10 from it and installed ubuntu with no issues. It runs perfect without any weird fixes needed. However, after just checking the bios to see if I could change some settings, I realised it has a supervisor password....
The Boonta Eve redux of the Obi-Wan series made that series about as good as the source material would allow it, it was an absolutely phenomenal edit....
I’m studying at a univetsity and I want to begin to do sports. I want to do kickboxing, but I’m afaraid of to get strong hand blow to head bucause due to it I can get concussion of the brain which may cause my mental abilities to deteriorate. I don’t want it because I also want to become a good programmer, but because of...
For context, I want to run a small personal gig (offering stuff on Patreon). Nothing too fancy....
Hey all, ran into a weird issue with my Ubuntu server running qbittorrent-nox I can’t seem to figure out....
As the title says when you upvote a post and then click the bookmark the upvote clears but if you bookmark and then upvote it works fine.
I just noticed that there are quite a few users on Reddit from r/WorldNews who are defending Israel unequivocally and when I checked some of the users they seemed to be engaging on topics only about Israel/Palestine and they seem to be extremely active, so I have checked the Internet and there are even some older BBC article and...
Just upgraded and the tracker-miner process is taking a constant cpu load of about 15%, and iotop shows a constant disk write that varies between 2 and 11 M/s....
This is probably a dumb question but what is a better way to send a link to a song to friends without using Spotify? I don’t use Spotify anymore so I don’t like going back to that website just to copy a song link so people could hear it. I know I could send something like a YouTube link but I’m trying to degoogle so I...
From their Twitter:...
I was wondering where you can download modern arcade games from use with TeknoParrot I am looking for the arcade version of taiko no tatsujin...
I’ve got a mate whos a big fan of Bourbon. He’s tried all the standard brands like Buffalo Trace, JD, Jim Beam and Wild Turkey....
Recently I’ve been catching up on tv and some of the more mature/adult shows, which I’ve been…Enjoying? Seems like the wrong word, but they’ve all generally been cynical or dark....
Hi! You may be sick of these posts by now, but I have been having a very hard time selecting between three distros; that being OpenSUSE, Fedora, and Linux Mint. I have tried linux in the past, I did debian with cinnamon and ran into some issues, so I ended up sheepishly reinstalling windows and getting AME10. I want to give it...
I hate peaking under the stalls or knocking doors to figure it out. The answer is so simple.
I want to do this for my raspberry pis since they don’t have an ACPI system in place. I think it would look really nice combined with XFCE and the chicago95 theme. So I would prefer it if it were showing it like the windows 95 shutdown screen, maybe using an image file? There’s a lot of information on the shutdown process on...
I know the “best linux for gaming” is probably one of the most common questions, but I have heard that some distro can have issues with some hardware, I have a crappy old PC with an integrated radeon R7, which distro would you recommend?