Context: I currently have a back injury and as such my sleep schedule has been destroyed. There are days that I simply cannot get comfortable no matter where I sit/lie....
There’s so many providers and sketchy ppl you can pay for access to IPTV and there’s even plenty of free playlists that provide tons of content. Who’s actually providing these services and how does it work that theres so many middlemen/resellers?
The girls – who were detained in shopping centres, classes and street markets – were accused of “spreading and encouraging others to wear a bad hijab” and wearing makeup....
A new speech API for the free desktop stack that hopes to improve upon speech-dispatcher and implement more speech options to better fit the different text-to-speech needs of today.
I would like to create a bot account for a community to warn about duplicate images. First thing that i tried is to create a new account and mark it as a bot, but i couldn’t use mail address i used to create my main account. is there a way to create bot accounts without creating separate mail addresses for them? i would avoid...