Highly suspicious if you ask me (lemmy.today)

This summer, archaeologists and a metal detectorist conducted a small survey of Herlaugshagen, at Leka in the northern part of Trøndelag County. They found something amazing....
Photo by Aki Mykkänen...
This is the link to the image. It has 3.8mb. In my opinion that is way too much.
You thought the “We don’t know when GTA 6 will come out, we can only guess” articles were bad? Here come the 1000s of “articles” saying “EvErY DeTAiL BroKEn DoWN”....
Cap’n Crunch sellin in a dark alley way. Those poor kids are lookin a little rough....
For anyone using any Simple Mobile Tools app be aware that they were sold few days ago (4 dec 2023) to a very privacy unfriendly company:...
Try it with this search:...
I’ve seen it for Venezuela and Syria, but i’m sure i could find this for quite a lot of other countries....