Derpy fox face (

For a few years now, I’ve been using and paying for Deezer, but recently they’ve started to do away with the features that I preferred about their platform, so I’m wondering of there is any options for me here.
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I asked for a DARK coffee, not a Depressed one 🫥....
If you don’t know about Bloom County it’s a comic strip that ran the decade of the 80s (1980-1989). It was one of my favorites as a kid and though some of it will surely be dated, the majority should hold up well to current times. It examined events in politics and culture through the viewpoint of a fanciful small town in...
For example:...
$109 2 years ($4.54/month) $139 3 years ($3.86/month)
OpenMandriva Lx 5.0, the long-awaited release of the independent, community controlled distribution’s fixed point release branch (as opposed to its rolling release branch), has been released....
Luigi (with Linux Mint logo) and Mario (Ubuntu logo) come in...