nothing to worry about.... (

I am very green when it comes to private trackers, but understand there are strict expectations on members in terms of seed ratios, etc....…/1680969620860162051
I was having a friendly discussion with someone this morning about PC and Laptops for work/education stuff, he suggested that I could use a chromebook for all this stuff and this would be a good idea and make things easier. I strongly disagreed with this, mainly because I hate laptops, the keyboard and touchpad make me angry and...
ive only really had fish but ther enothing close to a buddy like, something like a dog or a cat. pets are also pricey and im allergic to cats and dogs plus my home is kinda messy. i do wish i could get something besides a fish but you know it is what it is....
The co-official flags are called Flag of Artigas and Flag of the Thirty-Three and where used during the Uruguayan independence struggle. Indeed, the flag of the Thirty-Three reads “Liberty or Death”.
Is There Anything to the Panic Over Ultraprocessed Foods?...
At first this article reads like your typical anti-piracy screed. It rants about how 10x more people watched GoT illegally (confusing them with lost sales) and ends with how downloading movies can get your credit card stolen....
Everyone calling out Denuvo for being a laggy mess, rejoice! Denuvo is being hurt bad the bad PR enough to launch a full on propaganda war. One such weapon in their arsenal: Giving “trusted” outlets access to both the unDRM and the DRM copies of the game....
Since Yelp lets businesses pay to revise reviews and advertise for top results, I was wondering if there were any good open source/non-monetized review sites or apps that people have tried out? I usually compare to google reviews and read some of the top reviews to try and filter out the junk, but I know I’m still getting...
I’m curious and am playing around with a new EDA tool and am looking at practicing by designing a PCB which should be roughly 28x26mm footprint (give or take a few mm…)....
I keep seeing people comment that Lemmy is mostly men in their 20s and 30s. That’s not my demo and many of the posts/comments i see don’t seem to fit that.