[SOLVED] Can't access drive on linux/windows dual boot
I have two drives, an ssd with windows and ubuntu installed in dual boot, and an hdd with some personal files....
I have two drives, an ssd with windows and ubuntu installed in dual boot, and an hdd with some personal files....
alt textCartoon of the Grim Reaper/Death at the door of a smiling, plump woman giving out Halloween candy. Death says: “I’m not wearing a costume. I’m here to take your sou—” The sentence breaks off when he sees what the woman gave him, then he exclaims: “Holy Shit full size Snickers” He concludes: “Nevermind...
alt textThe Terminator looking for Sarah Connor in a phone book, but one of the names is distorted as in a CAPTCHA, which confuses him
Source: Goat To Self
Im trying to avoid being a power tripping mod, and I recently got a rude message who had a 1 day ban because he wanted to use the f-slur. Again after being warned....
Sorry I don’t have a higher resolution version of this. It’s my favorite Kliban cartoon.
Gryzlock Source Links:...
Are there any automatic or semiautomatic tools that will rip a set of DVDs from a tv show, and label the resulting vids (like Show name - s##e## or similar)?...
Is there a way to bypass mega’s transfer quota with paying for a vpn or anything?