America: Getting ready for another election. Rest of the world: (
History lives in the present (
Context (for those who don’t know): Israel and Palestine
I made a website that tells you, based on the year you graduated high school, what your school (probably) got wrong! (
Hey OpenAI (
That's it folks. RIF has stopped working....
Double Barrel (
Just sayin (
I Know What You Download (via torrent) (
I guess this settles it for me. What VPN should I go for?
Oblivious (
Youtube’s Anti-adblock and uBlock Origin (
Really interesting read about the history of YouTube adblocking, how the new detection works, how uBO is responding, and how not to block the new popups.
Looks like DRM prevented to watch movies in many theaters yesterday (
From the article:...
Sorry guys, we had a good run (
Mozilla says Apple’s new browser rules are “as painful as possible” for Firefox (
Mozilla is unhappy because the use of browser engines other than WebKit will be restricted to the EU, forcing them to develop two different apps....
[Louis Rossmann] Piracy is COMPLETELY justified: Louis tries NetFlix and remembers why (
Screw init wars, real OGs discriminate based on DE (
I use plasma, BTW
Windows 11 scores dead last in gaming performance tests against 3 Linux gaming distros (
Age range (
Funds (
Ordinary redditors are feeling the pain as well. (
The protests worked, and so did moving/editing/deleting our old content. As one person complains,...
Government money (
Proton Mail CEO Calls New Address Verification Feature 'Blockchain in a Very Pure Form' (
Proton Mail, the leading privacy-focused email service, is making its first foray into blockchain technology with Key Transparency, which will allow users to verify email addresses. From a report: In an interview with Fortune, CEO and founder Andy Yen made clear that although the new feature uses blockchain, the key technology...