Moose on the roof of a supermarket (
Three moose was seen on the roof of a supermarket. One calf is suspected fleeing the scene while the mother died jumping down, as did the last calf seen on the video.

Three moose was seen on the roof of a supermarket. One calf is suspected fleeing the scene while the mother died jumping down, as did the last calf seen on the video.
…the Mbabaram word for “dog” was in fact dúg, pronounced almost identically to the Australian English word…
I’m trying to use an RPi Pico W as a temp/humidity sensor using a DHT20....
Time of death: 4:22 PM UTC September 26th...
Facing pressure from animal rights activists, Anheuser-Busch announced on Wednesday that it had ended the practice of amputating the tails of its Budweiser Clydesdales, the familiar equine figures in the brewing company’s advertising campaigns for nearly a century....
Let’s say I decide to go to a nice restaurant for a meal. The dish comes out, and I ask for a salt shaker before I even taste it (I never have, btw). That is normally considered an insult to the chef or you are pegged as a neanderthal diner....
Gentlemen, it is with great displeasure that I must inform you that we're doing it wrong.
I am powering a 5V microcontroller (arduino clone, atmega328p) using a 9V block and a buck converter. Now I want to let the microcontroller occasionally measure the battery voltage, so I can get an idea of how full it is....
I would like to follow other positive news groups on other servers. Is there any chance someone could do what this person suggested? “solarbird Something I do running a small instance is have a Librarian account which follows large numbers of people for the purposes of discovery. We have under 20 users but our Federation feed...
This is a repost. I am not the original author (see disclaimer at the bottom)....