I’ve noticed them doing more flavors in the US as limited releases. There was a churro one recently. Hopefully the trend continues and some stuff becomes permanent.
That churro one was good too. I pick up the Asian Kit-kats from Asian markets around my city when I stock up on other supplies and they’re fun sometimes.
Just like the healthy crops that were observed from satelite? That turned out to be just rebar with rocks on top driven into the ground? Or the dirt hills that spray painted green for the same reason.
That video specifically shows the rebar and rock fake crops and some green painting of barren land and hills. They even use rolls of fake plastic plants to make hillsides look alive. When really nothing grows there.
On the other hand, hybrid cars are designed to work like this. They are more economical than regular fuel-powered cars. Those cars are not designed to be eco-friendly, but more like eco-friendlier lol.
I know it’s maybe silly to talk about sails as a new technology – and my initial response was to join the dunking. But, fuck it.
Anything that cuts the use of fuels in shipping is good and should be encouraged. If letting nitwits feel smart is the price of a better world, I’m happy to pay it.
Sails will probably survive for another thousand years, because humans are greedy and wind is free. As long as corporations can save a buck on fuel, they will.