If I had said “stupid” “moronic” “idiotic” or “brain-dead” instead of “retarded” you wouldn’t have batted an eyelash. I’m sure you can find better things to do than arbitrarily police other people’s language on the internet, like chewing on the inside of your cheek or licking your bathroom sink drain pipe.
My local muni used to have 3 courses. They closed 1 in 2019 and have left it open to the public as a park with no maintenance going into the greens. There are 5 miles of cart paths, now trails, and it connects to an adjacent park with an additional 2 miles of trails. The golf course is barely recognizable and it has been really cool to see it slowly getting reclaimed by nature. There are a significantly larger amount of birds, small mammals, and deer seen there than even just two years ago. I rarely take pictures there but here are a couple that do a decent job at showing how little it looks like a golf course anymore. Both pictures were taken this year.
Hey now, if we don’t keep ruining real people’s lives by brutally enforcing imaginary lines on this Earth we all share, the terrorists win… or something.
Because if we can’t feel superior to people accross that line over there, and they can’t cope by feeling superior to other people accross a different line, how will we console our fragile human egos?!
“He said that she was being transported (to the plane) on the runway, and staff had opened her kennel, and she had escaped into the middle of the runway,”
Yes, fuck Nestle, but also fuck Hershey. Nestle finds new and innovative ways to be evil, but Hershey is just old-fashioned slave labor and anticompetitive market capture.
I like that on Lemmy, you now don’t even have to click the link to actually read the article, and people still don’t do even that before making a stupid comment that is addressed by the article.
On both the standard web page and through Sync, it shows the article text. But on any format, you can click the little link and it will take you to the full article.
And I’m sorry dude, but it’s the internet. If you feel called out over little criticism of your unwillingness to read an article before commenting, that’s a you problem. It’s hardly “vitriolic.” We can and should try and make Lemmy better.
You don’t have to placate me. It shows part of the text and that depends on the setting you have set. Some articles don’t show at all because of my pihole or other settings on my phone. You made an assumption. And while I didn’t read the whole article, I literally just added my two cents which is kind of what platforms like this are here for.
Aside from the description having the answer, I'm just going to pretend it's an onion article.
With the answer being something like "the US doesn't deserve it" or "people will buy it anyway (and the health crisis is bad enough without new delicious flavors causing regulators to be further on their case), whereas in other countries they need to work a little harder to make sales (they're a bit too healthy)"
"Think of it like ration chocolate, if it tasted too good you might eat it before you need to" one historian added.