Like so many dystopian stories, the real life version that eventually comes about is more cringe and shitty.
Compare a decades ago EvilMegaCorp as presented in fiction to the Steve Jobs-emulating ukulele-strumming hellworld corporations burning the planet down around us while trying to seem insincerely quirky about it.
Ultor in Red Faction was evil and all that, but imagine if Ultor was Le Epic X and all of its maneuvers were narrated by an aging very divorced apartheid dad. my-hero
Upgrade your storage. 160GB is nothing and 1TB SSDs are cheap
You could delete pictures, but then the posts are broken
You could archive old pictures. The pictures will have a longer load-time. Also I don’t think archiving pictures is a feature of lemmy, so you would have to implement it yourself
Edit: I think postgres is so big, because of backups. You could delete those, but that’s risky
Since I currently use Hetzner the only way to get more space is to upgrade the server (at a not inconsiderable cost).
The alternative might be to purchase SSD block storage volumes which are definitely lower priced (5€ per month for 100GB) however it would be interesting to know if there is a guide for Lemmy for this or if others have had positive experience doing this.
Since this problem I think is quite common (at least from reading a few threads and comments around) it might be interesting to create a guide especially regarding the part of having lemmy use this/mounted volume instead of the default one.
I in the meantime will try to look around for some information on how this can be done, any advice is definitely welcome.
Wow, what a stupid construction company (if they are the ones behind this.) AI will come for manual labor in a way that makes what’s happening right now look unimpactful. And what’s going on right now is very fucked up.