Start putting into your 401K or Roth IRA now. The earlier you start the easier it is to retire.
It’s the same for your house loans. The more you can pay EARLY, the faster the loan gets paid off. If you start paying more down later into loan, it’s not worth as much.
The magic of compound interest and need for high growth economies to sustain printing money from nothing.
Wow, what a stupid construction company (if they are the ones behind this.) AI will come for manual labor in a way that makes what’s happening right now look unimpactful. And what’s going on right now is very fucked up.
Like so many dystopian stories, the real life version that eventually comes about is more cringe and shitty.
Compare a decades ago EvilMegaCorp as presented in fiction to the Steve Jobs-emulating ukulele-strumming hellworld corporations burning the planet down around us while trying to seem insincerely quirky about it.
Ultor in Red Faction was evil and all that, but imagine if Ultor was Le Epic X and all of its maneuvers were narrated by an aging very divorced apartheid dad. my-hero
Not so fast, eager beaver, you’re missing the part where you’re blind, your mother gets murdered, and you wear a mask made out of your dead mother’s face.
Ahhh yes. In capitalism, if you create a machine that can replace say, 10 people, you don’t give them 1/10 of the work. You fire them and maybe hire someone to operate it.
Machines and human workers can coexist. They don’t have to replace them.
Edit: Of course they should replace them, but only after we get good living conditions for unemployed people, which are currently non-existent.
Yeah, we arent going to get our Jetsons future if we refuse to restructure our society towards not having to work instead of just fighting the tech because its taking our jobs away
Of course, the end goal (mind the word “end”) is to replace them. However, in this current situation, where many people are struggling to find a job, it’s not good.
They should replace workers and people should deserve to live without being workers, but it should also be painfully obvious that our current economic system won’t support this idea, and won’t until we do some pretty drastic things.
It’s not that we couldn’t build a post-scarcity society probably even right now given some pretty radical adjustment of resource allocations, we just don’t want to build one – “we” being the 0.01% that have such insane amounts of wealth that they’ve essentially taken over the whole economic system, largely thanks to eg. dumb fucks like Reagan and sociopathic fucks like Thatcher and the people who idolize them buying into the idea that they too can be that rich because the wealth will somehow magically trickle down.
That would be the mentality I’m talking about us needing to kill. Regardless, AI will help with this problem, in both it being inevitable that it will provide people with more free time (due to efficiencies or unemployment) - which is needed to be able to effectively revolt - and it will help address the issues of transforming our economic model, as the machines will have a much better way of distributing goods and services. Also capitalism needs workers to have money so that they can buy the products they produce, which should at some point necessitate a universal basic income, which will further help erode the work = money paradigm.
If you think this current brand of capitalism requires plebs to have money, I’m not sure how you explain the fact that when taking inflation into account wages have been either stagnant or actually going down ever since the 70’s / 80’s, the amount of wealth owned by the same plebs compared to the “financial ruling class” (mainly executives and such, and especially the banking sector thanks to deregulation) has shrunk dramatically, and cost of living keeps getting higher, while at the same time the compensation for the “financial ruling class” has grown at a frankly exponential rate.
Sufficiently advanced AI will, if anything, make it even more likely that that “ruling class” will realize they don’t need quite as many of us around because all we do us suck up their resources and complain how we haven’t eaten anything but cup noodles in a week and our teeth hurt.
Still need someone to build it for the computer. What would really help the “AI” is to have something that can handle the creation of different interfaces and modules. Then, it would need to solve or mitigate the maintenance conundrum of repairing itself when it breaks.
How soon do you think it will be before technology reaches the point that we can build completely functional houses with just robots? Give me a timeframe.
So robots will totally take over house building and humans will have nothing to do with it at some indefinite point in the future and that’s why people right now should be worried about their jobs. I see.
You’re right that robots aren’t going to be able to replace plumbers or electricians in traditional building projects.
But why can’t we change how new buildings are built so the method better suits robots. I’m sure with current technology we could design a building that could be built entirely by robots.
I don’t think it’ll happen because it will take a lot of time and money to develop such a holistic system, with no return on profit until it’s a complete system.
And the second that it is economically viable the companies will be dumping their bricklayers/carpenters down the drain and replacing them with computer controlled construction methods.
When will it be economically viable to dump all the people who have to set up the equipment and all of the people who have to do everything but make the basic structure? Is this ‘house set up and entirely built by robots down to the light fixtures with no human intervention’ a near future proposition?
Ah, I guess I missed your answer. If every prediction about the future is true, it includes all the predictions that humanity will be wiped out relatively soon, meaning that house building will never be fully automated and no one will commute by personal jetpack. But also all housing will be automated and people will commute by personal jetpack.
At the same time.
I can’t wait to see how you resolve civilization simultaneously collapsing and advancing.
You really shouldn’t talk about things you don’t understand. First of all, that wouldn’t literally happen to a cat. Secondly, that’s not what a quantum superposition is.
I was a porr attempt at a joke. You’re allowed to laugh a little dude. I don’t know what will happen in the future. Nobody does. I choose to belive in a world heading towards Star Trek over Mad Max. We have bad ‘jetpacks’ now. Why is it so hard to think they’ll upgrade to the point where they will be more accessible in the future. A la what happened the buggies and cars. They would be self driving I presume to.keep everyone more safe cause trusting the average person to fly is a bit much, but idk maybe.
We may also start ww3 at any point. Still don’t know the future. I guess for my own sanity I try not to think that way. But like, if you really want to get into thus we have to bring up a lot more subjects, mainly UBI. But, regardless, most jobs being automated, including construction, so everyone gets to be happier is a world I want to live in.
So now you’ve gone from 'house will definitely construction will definitely be entirely automated" to “I don’t know what will happen.”
As far as jetpacks- people don’t want to fall to their deaths if they run out of fuel or have engine trouble on the way to work in the morning. I would have thought that would have been obvious.
You have a strange way of relating to people- arguing with them, refusing to answer their questions, making trolling comments, insulting… not to mention never asking the person you’re trying to relate to any questions about themselves.
Sorry, after you’ve insulted me, especially since you didn’t apologize for it, I’m not particularly interested in telling you about my day. It’s strange, but I’m just not inclined to have a friendly discussion with someone who just called me an asshole.
When was it economically viable to replace hand-sewn lumber with lumber mills?
Then they went and made portable electric saws. What a world!
And then electric drills! And laser levels!
Remember paper ledgers and abacuses? Ever hear of Microsoft Excel?
We keep making tools that always increase productivity and reduce time and cost. It’s Constant incremental progress, and on a large scale it’s great because it frees up (human) resources to focus on new industry and technology, which furthers the CIP. On the micro scale, there may be a small number of temporarily displaced workers as jobs shuffle around and workers re-skill.
But at this particular intersection of technology, we are at a pretty bad spot. We are on the verge of massive progress in multiple industries, and wealth has concentrated in the elite classes. “Temporarily displaced workers” won’t have the capital to re-skill or invest their own resources into new industry. This is bad.
what they are saying is that in the past, technological leaps meant increases in productivity and generally freed the displaced workers into new careers, but this time the sheer scale of change that is imminent doesn’t leave time for that. it’s going to be bad
Not so much of the physical building, but I bet the designing isn’t too big of a stretch. Think something like procedural generation to make 2/3 of a floor plan and have humans make sure it makes sense and add details.
Nobody is saying that but reading a headline that says "Construction company prints some walls!" and then saying "welp that's it they're out here just 3D printing whole ass buildings" is pretty uh... Dumb.
I can only imagine 50 years from now, when climate crisis is in full swing, there are no more salaried jobs for people without extreme, cutting edge technological specializations or PhDs, and people are doing shit like menial servant work or acting as delivery drivers for 16 hours a day for the ultra wealthy just not to starve, you’ll have some 70 year old zoomer politician that introduces a bill to legalize prostitution in order to open up “new sources of income for struggling Americans” while quietly including a clause that effectively creates death camps for the poor. Conservative Americans will praise the bill on the basis that it’ll get rid of “welfare queens” and create more economic opportunities for the people who don’t get turned into Soylent Green.
50 years after that, America is littered with the hollowed out ghost towns of long abandoned suburbia. The coasts have been destroyed by flooding from the melted ice caps. Automated workers outnumber Americans 10 to 1. There are around 30 million Americans left in the continental United States. Almost all of them are literal slaves after slavery was re-legalized. Almost everything is owned by a handful of incredibly powerful families. Virtually everyone lives in or around Chicago. Whatever hope people once had for a better future is a long distant dream of a bygone era as the world slowly dies and the people who are left simply persist without ever truly living.
There is a danger. The select few of “us” who are “more equal” will become “them”.
How do you think slavery sustains itself? A few slaves get to become slave-masters when the old masters die.
I guess it boils down to the age old questions of what is the value of a human life, and who gets to decide what laws we base upon the answer to the first question.
What I meant was that “they” can not just simply erase “us” from existence once we stop providing them enough value, I believe in a revolution of some kind if such practices were to be tried.
Though I do not believe it would be rational nor beneficial for the elites at the first place, I was just pointing out that there is little chance of that happening.
There were more natives in the Americas and Caribbean when the European settlers arrived, too. Only one side had way more advanced military technology and no scruples around genocide and slavery.