But no person on the planet, except the nerdiest of pedants, are thinking of Xerox when they see Windows interface. They think of Windows, even if it’s KDE
The company was run by morons so “Xerox” deserves being synonymous with “company run by morons”. But the actual Xerox employees who invented the basic GUI deserve credit for being the great inventors they were. Unfortunately I have no fucking idea who those actual people were.
You gotta meet the customer halfway until you get enough of them hooked, then slowly start introducing new ideas into their mental ecosystems that align with your vision.
Then add adverts into that ecosystem and center their program menu. Ooh! Then change their right menus! They’d love that! Or, maybe they won’t, but whatever.
I like the terminal but don’t remember all the arguments. I find that clunky. That’s my main issue with it. (I’m open to suggestions if anyone has any)
Lots of terminal commands come with tab-completion out of the box (start typing a command, hit tab to autocomplete, hit tab twice to bring up a list of available options), or have tab completion scripts you can install after the fact.
Lacking tab completion, any worthwhile terminal commands will at least support a -h/–help flag that will print out a help menu summarizing the different options, or you can open up the man pages to see even more detailed documentation with man [whatever terminal command]. If the terminal command doesn’t have either of those, I’d recommend against using it.
I highly recommend zsh. It takes a moment to setup initially, but you can use oh-my-zsh to just skip that part and use one of the many, many presets, and it supports plugins, of which there are many. It gives you tab support for so many popular commands, you will never need to remember them, and it has a lot of small improvements that makes your terminal life a breath. For example, if you do cd tab in bash, it will give you a list of subdirrectories. If you do the same in zsh, it will give you that list and a cursor that you can use to navigate said list, so instead of typing the dir, you can do cd tab tab tab enter
I have very little experience with fish, but by my first experience zsh was way better at handling wildcard matching, and for me it’s half of the stuff I do. You are trying to open a file and all you remember is that it has some substring in the name probably, you just type some of it, double tab, and you have all the files that match. At the time I was trying it, fish couldn’t do it.
I use macOS as my daily driver, though still use Linux sometimes. When I dual-booted macOS with Linux, I immediately fell in love. I don’t have a Mac, but my next computer will be a MacBook. Of course there are things I don’t like, but I will not write it down right now, maybe edit this comment later. I love the virtual desktops tough, I always press the green button on Safari to maximize, and put it on a new desktop, so I can easily switch with a 4-finger swipe, and I don’t have to overlay another window or Safari when I am switching apps.
No, it's not the user catching Linux in trying to pretend user friendliness witht the terminal.
It's Linux catching the user in still hating it when he gets the wanted user friendliness, for the sole reason of being conditioned to hate the terminal.
What? The person you’re replying to doesn’t have the best argument in the world so I’m not exactly siding with them, but also a lot of terminals very much do support mouse input. I’m not sure which all ones it is, but I know the gnome terminal does and I’m pretty sure Konsole does as well. Obviously not every program you run in the terminal is going to support it but off the top of my head I remember vim does as well as I’m pretty sure dialog
Don’t forget loadhigh (lh) and his friend DEVICEHIGH and check with mem the memory layout if anything more can be sqeezed into some unused block lying around…
I find ASCII incredibly readable honestly. I use pixel fonts too, but I love the sharp blocky characters it’s so much easier on the eyes than whatever windows or iOS has going on by default
Not really relevant, but as a kid I though the “II” part of ASCII was roman numerals. I was all the way to graduate school before my prof literally on the floor laughing because I had said “asskey two” set me straight.
Unix was meant to be much friendlier than the mainframe systems that wer prevalent at the time and which wer horrible to use without a lot of training (or even with it). By contrast, Unix commands were simple, self documenting. Anyone could use it.
@olafurp@AlecSadler What kind of data hoader are you?!
I mean, if you can afford that sure, but I find it unnecesary.
Also, how do you plan to backup that much storage? just curious about the last one, I always find it hard to backup more than 100 GB of media
@olafurp I have 1TB SSD storage on my rpi and I delete series once I have watched them, otherwise I eventually run out of storage if I don't. Well, good luck, but maybe before upgrading your storage you should upgrade your home server, a rpi is powerfull but you will eventually face problems related to I/O and CPU limitations
If you’re not encoding and there’s only like one or two users at a time, it’s plenty. Now if you want to encode on the fly to a myriad of formats and serve your entire extended family and friends, then it will choke. But people rarely do that.
@dustyData The RPi4 4GB model already struggles being me the only user, I have a bunch of services but RAM is not the problem nor is the cpu, the main problem in my case is the i/o limitation. I boot from the USB, while most operations don't suppose much load for the system, as soon as I start writing to the disk series or even update dockers the system starts to slow down.
If 2-4 TB makes you think “data hoarder”, you don’t even want to know what the self-proclaimed data hoarders get up to. 10-20 TB drives aren’t insanely expensive, and some of us have several of them.
Midnight Commander has been around for ages. It’s a straight ripoff/homage to the original Norton Commander, a full-fledged file manager and a godsend on week-kneed machines (like old netbooks).
Upgrade your storage. 160GB is nothing and 1TB SSDs are cheap
You could delete pictures, but then the posts are broken
You could archive old pictures. The pictures will have a longer load-time. Also I don’t think archiving pictures is a feature of lemmy, so you would have to implement it yourself
Edit: I think postgres is so big, because of backups. You could delete those, but that’s risky
Since I currently use Hetzner the only way to get more space is to upgrade the server (at a not inconsiderable cost).
The alternative might be to purchase SSD block storage volumes which are definitely lower priced (5€ per month for 100GB) however it would be interesting to know if there is a guide for Lemmy for this or if others have had positive experience doing this.
Since this problem I think is quite common (at least from reading a few threads and comments around) it might be interesting to create a guide especially regarding the part of having lemmy use this/mounted volume instead of the default one.
I in the meantime will try to look around for some information on how this can be done, any advice is definitely welcome.