Alph4d0g, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

That’s the MS business model in partnership with PC makers. It’s a juggernaut. They’ve operationalized it.


TIL that MS can be either mean MicroSoft or MassiveShit and that they would still mean the same shit


Did you learn that just today???

violetraven, avatar

WinTel 2.0 🤢

Cannacheques, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

Windows 7 or Linux would be fine, Windows 10 is hardly that bad

Resol, avatar

Windows 7 is even older and already out of support for almost 4 years now. Why would you downgrade?

Only Linux makes sense in this case.

lemann, to linux in Intel Core Ultra performance in Linux is 15% higher than in Windows

Original Phoronix article link for Lemmyworld and SIJW users:…/intel-meteorlake-windows-linux

It’s been posted by two others already but those probably aren’t visible from your instance

floofloof, (edited ) to linux in Intel Core Ultra performance in Linux is 15% higher than in Windows

In my experience, every computer is faster with Linux than with Windows. But if this measures just the processor performance on similar tasks I guess it’s news.


Consequently battery life tends to suffer on Linux vs windows. Especially on newer hardware before people figure out how to manage performance and battery life.


Usually, applying the same tricks that Windows does, its not true.

But by default, mostl Linux ditros dont do something special for having performance managing.

But actually. Windows does neither, at least the pure Vanilla form. Its a huge difference when using my Levono Ideapad with the preinstalled Windows versus Windows that is reinstalled Vanilla without drivers. Then Linux is more plug and play and better at this job than Windows.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble, (edited )

Maybe they do it differently on ideapads. But on all of the modern thinkpads I own the all install at set up the same power profiles and dynamic tuning that the factory image does. Factory install vs fresh install performance is the same on these machines once windows update has done it’s thing. Even the random POS HPs will do the same thing.

Older machines yes absolutely.


I think it comes down to the culture. A minuscule improvement to a file system is big news in the Linux community. There’s also lots of academic interest in the performance critical parts of the kernel that you just can’t emulate with a closed source model. Is anyone writing papers on how to obtain a 2% improvement in the task scheduler on Windows?

Linux dominates the server market, so even small improvements matter when you’re talking about a server farm with thousands of machines or the latest supercomputer. Many, many people care about the scalability of Linux. On Windows, we say: NTFS? It’s good enough. The user won’t notice on modern SSDs.

dgriffith, (edited )

A lot of the software components under the hood in Linux are replaceable.

So you have a bunch of different CPU and disk IO schedulers to suit different workloads, the networking stack and memory management can be tweaked to hell and back, etc etc.

Meanwhile Windows Server 2022 has… ?

ForgotAboutDre, to linux in Intel Core Ultra performance in Linux is 15% higher than in Windows

I wonder if Linux is 15% better, or Microsoft tracking uses that much processing.


It's most like due to power governor and scheduler behaviors. If there's background activity impacting the test it would more likely be Defender.

Chakravanti, (edited )

I’m not sorry that the CIA is using your closed-source software you mistakenly thought you owned anything because you paid way too much for anyone else to actually control your shit, you ignorant slave.

Edit: You’re a bunch of ignorant fuckwads. You can’t read shit and know who’s on what side because your sensitive to sarcasm and blatant…nevermind. Fuck off.

ryannathans, to linux in Intel Core Ultra performance in Linux is 15% higher than in Windows

True, as we just found out, the performance of Meteor Lake is significantly influenced by the BIOS.

What’s that supposed to mean?


There was an issue with the BIOS limiting the power available to the processor during benchmarks. It has supposedly been fixed since.


You sure this isn’t just anti-rowhammer et al mitigations?

OmnipotentEntity, avatar

It’s a website that seems to digest other websites and spit them out badly. Here is the original article:…/intel-meteorlake-windows-linux

TheAnonymouseJoker, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them? avatar

LMAO the clickbait delusion… has anybody not learnt for how long people stuck to Windows XP and 7? 10 is incomparably more secure and robust than 7 was, and 11 is almost a meaningless cosmetic upgrade. People that do not want to, will not use Linux, and keep using 10. Comfort and compatibility take precedence over security and privacy. People that do install Linux, however, will still want to keep 10 or 11 separately installed, and Microsoft officially suggests workaround to install 11 on any computers.

victron, avatar

Exactly. Most people don’t care about linux, why is this so hard to understand?

NOOBMASTER, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

Who the fuck throws out their computer when it’s still working???

Yoz, (edited )

Federal, state and local government , multinational companies and boomers.


State governments usually are required to place all of their computers up for sale through surplus. (Hard drives usually removed and destroyed). I have been through that process at a State College and a University. They aren’t just thrown away. I imagine there is a similar process for federal computer.


True they give it to “recyclers” who try to sell what they can and throw the rest. I know this because I used to work for the “recyclers”


Yeah, when access to raspberry pi’s and such was none existant I knew a few people who would pick up old Optiplex computers and such to use as media servers and such. Old dells used to be very reliable. Throw whatever distro on there gui or not, and the shitty graphics cards wouldn’t matter much


All of whom have processes software and employees who are not prepared to swap to Linux


Literally just talked to my mother-in-law who was talking about throwing out her laptop because Windows 10 is losing support and she can’t upgrade to Windows 11.

It would probably run linux perfectly.

But I would never put linux on it. I am not doing tech support for my MIL who just admitted to me that she “locked down her machine because she fixed the registry issues windows has and turned on ipv6 on her router” and alluded to changing other settings but she cant understand why her “wifi keeps dropping out” and thinks its because the neighbors installed a ring doorbell.


Except for that last part, sounds somewhat plausible…


Doorbell is wireless, from temu, and is missing FCC compliance sticker.

Just a hunch.


Don’t let her throw just send me😫


Linux users




A lot of businesses. I’ve stocked an entire network lab out of waste bins from buildings with tech companies in them. Laptops, monitors, network gear, cabling. I once scored a whole box of 100W USB-C chargers.

You could make a living reselling stuff online.


I’m sorry, 100W USB-C is throwaway stuff now? Wut?

ConstantPain, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

That’s what I’m gonna do with my Windows 10 gaming machine. It’s been working just fine since I bought it in 2016.


If the computer was purchased in 2016 the license key is likely tied to the motherboard from the factory, so unless you swap the board, the original key may pull on its own.


give endeavouros a try. ive been using it for games on my amd system and it runs like a dream


I’m Intel/Nvidia. I’ll give it a try anyway. See what fits my hardware best.


Or just circumvent the “requiments” that are so required that a few registry hacks disable them, allowing you upgrade to win11 via windows update.

Or if you want a fresh install, use rufus to create the install usb stick, and select the option to disable the tpm requirement.


I don’t have the windows key anymore. To do that I’ll have to reinstall the system instead of upgrading it.


“You can simply remove the appraiserres.dll file in the Windows 11 ISO file to make the Setup avoid these checks and install Windows 11 on any unsupported hardware too.” From the following article:…

That sounds hard, but Rufus made this easy. Just select the right option. So just use Rufus to create the install usb:

This also allows local accounts, and disables all the tracking bullshit with a single click each.


Would be cool if Microsoft launched a new fangled cloud operating system, they’ve already got Bing AI, Onedrive, GitHub on the side and other infrastructure in place already.

Offering a Microsoft centered cloud computing operating system would allow them to dump or discard their other investments like GitHub, while holding both the money and infrastructure to competing against their old pals working with Linux and other GNU stuff.

The ultimate betrayal I tell ya hahaha 🤣

Nah just jokes, I would suck at writing or doing white collar crime but I would sure hype it up in an action novel alright


BingOS was it’s name-o.

AernaLingus, to linux in Intel Core Ultra performance in Linux is 15% higher than in Windows

Original Phoronix article which has all the individual benchmarks—weird that they didn’t link to it

sevan, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

My desktop and laptop are both eligible to upgrade, but I keep declining and will likely switch to linux when win10 support ends.


Why wait? It’s a process, so I would start asap


I’ve thought about it, but right now everything works exactly the way I need it and the only complaint I have is the occasional pop-ups from MS trying to get me to upgrade to win11 or switch my browser. My main uses for my devices are games and I just started back to school, so MS Office is nice to have. So, it’s hard to justify putting in the effort to change things now, especially when I know how to use MS products very well, particularly modding games.


Yeah. I feel ya. I still have windows on dual boot for certain things and it’s been a struggle at times but I gotta say I dread the times I need to boot windows! So much slower and annoying

bartolomeo, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them? avatar

If these were all stacked laptops, stacked on top of each other, they would form a stack 600 km above the Moon.

Ummm… what??

Assuming 3 cm thick laptop x 240 mil = 7,200 km. Moon is on average 380,000 km away. Even 30 cm thick laptops (lol) would only get you to 72,000 km.


They’re stacking on the longest dimension after opening up the laptop.

bartolomeo, avatar

XD that would still only get you half way to the moon!


They said “600 km above the Moon”, so assuming that the laptops are 2.5mm thick, and stacked on the surface of the moon…

NikkiDimes, (edited )

Yeah, well, a piece of paper folded in half 50 times would reach two thirds of the way to the Sun, so take that!!

HiddenLayer5, (edited ) to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them? avatar

We all know that won’t happen because most users don’t give a shit about things like conserving hardware or the resources that went into making them, and will just use this as an excuse to splurge on the latest shiny device.

krolden, avatar

Fuck the users

whoisearth, (edited )

Herein lies the rub where the discourse online always fails. It’s easy to blame the rich, corporations, politicians, etc. but the end of the day they’re simply doing what the masses want. We are the problem.

Now that said, I understand the appeal of blaming a smaller segment of the population because it’s easier to shift blame and it’s easier to force change that way, but rest assured Apple stops making a new phone every year their brand dies unless everyone stops doing it. They’re doing it because we are conditioned to want it.

We are the underlying problem. All of us.

Edit - having my point proven is amazing.

krolden, (edited ) avatar

fuck me harder ms yes daddy yes please mmmm thats good keep going harder harder HARDER YES

fr tho, that ‘smaller segment of the population’ owns the means of production/computation. so yes, I do blame them. and so should you and anyone with more that a couple folds in their brain.


If you’re saying everyone is providing your point, I think you disproved your own point.

They’re doing it because we are conditioned to want it.

Conditioning a behavior is basic psych101. It’s a controlled external stimulus which illicits a desirable action from the subject. So a conditioned consumer is subject to external stimulie which illicits them to spend. I wouldn’t blame the subject here, I’d blame the one doing the conditioning.

Regardless of all that, you are right but so wrong. We are all to blame, but I mean corporations and us. Politicians and the oligarchs aren’t responsible for what you or I do. What they are responsible for is manipulating systems to benefit themselves over the interests of the general public.

Since politicians and the business elite wield so much influence that makes them more responsible than you or I who really can’t make a big difference on our own. You’re blaming the proletariat for being the proletariat, but we don’t choose whether or not we are. You can work as hard as you can your entire life and you’ll never amount to the level of power and influence Elon, Jeff, Mark, Bill, or Steve had/have.


Nah, that’s shit. We are not the problem. The people in this thread don’t seem to be the kind of people to go out and buy the latest device every 6 months. I keep my phones for years until either the performance or battery becomes nearly unusable for me. I install Linux on older hardware (and newer hardware) and buy new hardware when necessary, not every time it comes out.

You can blame the average person, sure, but saying all of us is just incorrect.


Nah I haven’t bought a new machine in years, sticking to the old school bro. But I get it, a lot of people who are gamers or streamers would definitely buy in and I get why too because so long as the internet speeds keep increasing, there will be more streamers for the next big game or influencer chit chat etc

ULS, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

More computers for us poor folk!


Same here

Why not give the poor some of our old and used computers?


Cheaper laptops and old computers for everyone could start with switching to Linux

Trincapinones, to linux in Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill. Why not install Linux on them?

I’ll install linux on my gaming rig when w10 support ends, I hate w11


Why not try it now?


I did, discord was a mess (the systray icon not working and couldn’t stream audio), no parsec host support and other little things.

Yes, there are alternatives/workarounds but it’s too much of a hustle to play some games if the alternative is w10, I already know how to optimize it/solve common issues and for this specific case “it just works”


Do you mind me asking which Distro you had used? I recently switched from w10 and haven’t had any issues with discord or audio.


Which distro did you use? I have a win 10 laptop and I might switch over to a Linux distro


I tried Linux Mint, then I switched to Nobara and I had issues with discord in both, the systray icon not showing green when I was speaking/muted and I was unable to screen share a program with sound (then I looked up and found it’s a discord problem not giving a shit about linux users).

Then the gaming part was pretty messy, specially when I tried to run pirate games or games like league of legends, I spent 2 days trying to make league of legends work with lutris (i don’t play that game anymore so now it shouldn’t be a problem)

The funny thing is that I have a linux server on which I self host a lot of services and I’ve been tinkering with it for +4 years now, I’m pretty used to Debian and Fedora in the terminal, but when it comes to desktop I get lost pretty easily.

By the way, which distro do you use?


The discord thing is improving (slowly), also partly it now recognizes Linux games launched from steam, but not proton ones. I haven’t tried lutris or anything yet, but I haven’t booted into windows for weeks now.

I’ve also become more comfortable with Linux in general so that’s likely helped too.


I also have issues with Discord, they just don’t get the linux paradigm. Running it in a browser seems to work okay though (I use Firefox).

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