No, it isn’t. They will just refuse. They will die and their vegan friends will call them heroes or martyrs or both, and everyone else will still be alive with their porcine kidneys, laughing and drinking and eating and making love and not thinking about the vegans that died because they didn’t want porcine kidneys.
Thanks for the help Oprah! But I don’t know if any of the good will you spread will ever make up for all your wrongs and harm to society, including “doctor” Phil and Oz
$1200 a month to people who have no homes in the highest COL state in the US
It’s great they’re doing that, but Lahaina is also the most expensive part of Maui to live in. For reference, rent in the cheapest part of Maui in Wailuku can easily go for $1400-$1500 for a ~300sqft studio.
That’s great, but there is still a shit ton of it in there. Check this channel where an amazing team rescues seals entangled in all our waste for a look into what we’re doing to the oceans:
Whilst the few posts in this thread are rather sour, I’d like to mention that this project in is scale, combining modern and ancient methods is exciting to me.
France is wie lucky that they have a large guild of master carpenters that specialize in roof construction and the largest living history project in Guedelon, where they have made a medieval castle, with only ancient methods.
Without those craftsmen, this project wouldn’t be feasible.
Literally, the amount of money spent on this one ass building could have transformed infrastructure in small countries or provinces in the world that actually need it.
Nice! Hopefully we can figure out something to do with the ones in the US as well. One of the big ones near me is actually on fire in the lower levels and there is nuclear waste stored in it as well so that’s cool. Probably not suitable for growing a forest on
“It’s the first time we’re following recommendations… to give back objects that should never have been brought to the Netherlands. But more than anything, it’s a moment to look to the future. We’re not only returning objects; we’re also embarking on a period of closer cooperation with Indonesia and Sri Lanka in areas like collection research, presentation, and exchanges between museums.”