Horses always seem to me like big dogs, they have such distinct personalities, and I’ve seen them do all sorts of funny things (seemingly just for the hell of it).
The researchers plan to continue investigating horses’ abilities to detect sadness, particularly whether they can detect sadness amongst other negative emotions.
This cop is a bastard. He did a good human thing, and that’s newsworthy. He also upholds, and is a member of, a group whose entire purpose is the protection of capital over human life.
If he’s really not a bastard, he won’t be a cop for long.
You know, racists share the exact same mindset as you. You make a blanket judgement call on the entirety of a thing, based on the actions of a minority of a thing.
Is the same as:
“All black people are gangster criminals”
They’re both ignorant blanket statements based on zero proof or evidence to support it. There are bad PEOPLE in every line of work. Law enforcement certainly attracts them a lot more than say… sanitation, but that doesn’t mean that ALL are bad.
I find several things on that list quite stressful. In fact, I don’t know why anyone would think booking a holiday was the part that made you feel good.
Haha yup, sorta. They did use the bacteria originally discovered on skin (Mycobacterium smegmatis) but apparently it’s more common to find it in soil. Really valuable finding tho! Here’s a link to the primary source.
Also, I understand why they just talk about “strength”, but it would be nice to have some real idea of which properties they really mean. Is it harder? Does it resist impact better? Does it resist lateral torsion better? Steels cover a wide range and almost always involve tradeoffs.
Yeah it’s kind of insane what a miracle material steel is. Especially for how long ago it has been discovered and we still haven’t found another material that is better in every way, like how steel replaced iron or brass or copper. The balance of all the material properties for its weight/volume and its manufacturability and price is just unbeatable.
For scifi purposes,I tried to find another material that could beat it if cost wasn’t an issue and I couldn’t. Closest ones I could find that aren’t already obiquitous in popular consciouness like titanium, aluminium, tungsten carbide etc. are Molybdenum and Beryllium. But yeah, they don’t exactly beat steel either.
yeah meanwhile iron is literally nescessary to make your blood transport oxygen. Mo and Be (and their alloys) just have similar strength to weight ratios, but they aren’t exactly practical drop in replacements. So yeah, I haven’t found anything better than steel, there’s just materials that are better in one or two aspects, but nothing with the versatility of steel. To be fair, we have thousands of years of research into steel, perhaps we can still find something better. Idk, maybe some high entropy alloy.