What are your favorite podcasts?
I’m curious what people here listen to, and I’m also looking for new ones to check out. I’m personally a big fan of Linux Unplugged, MBMBaM, Lateral, and Twenty Thousand Hertz!...
I’m curious what people here listen to, and I’m also looking for new ones to check out. I’m personally a big fan of Linux Unplugged, MBMBaM, Lateral, and Twenty Thousand Hertz!...
Did a game ever delete your save data? Or brick your entire console? Have you ever come across horrific visual bugs? Or scary audio? What are your experiences with glitches?
I despise this dogshit application and fail to understand why so many universities use it. I refused to sign up for the longest time not like it would let me anyways for some reason but it is becoming harder as certain university stuff are mandating it.
This question’s on my mind because my coworker today mentioned they would vote for Trump if they could (mind you this is 2023, in Canada). I don’t generally have the talking points or the desire to fight about it, so I just deflected the conversation. But I often wish I was more strong-willed and could try to figure out why...
I’m looking for a data archive of corporation ownership networks. For example, Alphabet owns Google, … and some metadata like when they are created/owned by Alphabet if possible. I was made aware of OpenCorporates but it doesn’t seem to have such data as far as I tried....
So as I understand it, virgin olive oil is made from cold pressing olives....
What’s your ‘Heston’ experience?
Hi I’m relatively new to Linux. There’s talk about updating, say from Fedora 37 to 38....
This is the Daystrom Institute Episode Analysis thread for Lower Decks 4x01 Twovix and 4x02 I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee....
Google Books allows viewing the scans in colour, but when I click the option to download the PDF, I am provided only with a black-and-white version....
Thank you all for the show recommendations
Long story short, I ran into Lae’zel in the cage just after we wake up on the beach in the very beginning....
I want to power this board with a 14v battery. The board has a 1s battery connector that can power the board and read the voltage via ADC. Is there something I could place between the two to lower the voltage and still have a battery voltage reading? I would not be charging the battery through this. The usb port would not be...
Could be as trivial as a type of food, a TV show, or something more serious.
I’m looking into IPTV to fulfill my sports watching this fall. Are there any guides or does anyone have any suggestions on where I should start with this?
I have this generator, joy-it.net/en/products/JT-JDS2915but it doesn’t say in the manual what maximum current this thing can provide....
I’ve just received this E-Mail from Backblaze, announcing a slight increase in storage cost....
Hey people its your friendly neighbourhood mod here. As the title suggests I am looking for 3 new mods for this community. To be fair I am pretty sick of how this instance is managed and I’d rather not make any contributions to it, thats why I will be stepping down as a mod....
I know a lot of languages have some aspects that probably seem a bit strange to non-native speakers…in the case of gendered words is there a point other than “just the way its always been” that explains it a bit better?...
I have a Thinkpad mini that needs to expand it’s disagree storage and have a couple of Red 4Tb with basically no use....
I think the reason merely mortal guys in tech-powered Suits are the only Superpowered Beings that doesn’t get mistaken for Pokemon by forever 10-year old Kid named Ash Ketchum, as well guys in high-tech exosuits are only Superpowered beings that doesn’t get retconned into Pokemon by Pokemon anime writers(before they retires...