My manager didn’t trusted anyone. Had the highest turnover rate in the company. In my position they had 7 buyers within 2 and a half years. Her bosses were aware there were issues within our team, but trusted her more than even numbers on papers as she was their first employee and felt loyalty towards her after 20 years working together
Yeah that's true. It's been a long time since it happened, but I remember she was also puzzled at the cashier's behavior, so I'd love to think that she enjoyed it too!
I can see not leaving if pay stayed the same and responsibilities got smaller. Normally it’s the other way around. If you don’t care about titles it might be a nice change.
Thanks for creating this community! I must confess I wasn't part of it on the other site because it was too active. I was however part of deliciouscompliance, which was a lot of fun.
I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has to share. Who knows I might have some things to share, too!
We were playing lego and she destroyed my tower. Then she reprimanded me because I wasn't sad enough. So I spent the next 20 minutes rebuilding/breaking/me fake crying/repeat. It was, apparently, hilarious.
Wheatley wanted everyone to know that he had this doctorate, as evidenced by his insistence in correcting any employee who did not address him as “Dr. Wheatley”. He will be henceforth referred to in this post as Mr. Wheatley.
I work in tech, but sometimes tech is added to things needlessly. I just want my washing machine to be a washing machine. I’m tired of being the product.
Silicon valley’s “disruptors” are usually full of shit. The vast majority of the time: it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Don’t tell me what to do with my land if you’re not willing to pay my taxes (or if you don’t have good ecological reasons). I’ll paint my shudders whatever color I want to.
Bring back the damn knobs, buttons, and switches in my car. I don’t need more touchscreens.
On the other hand…
I recognize that the way I feel and some of the opinions I have are based on a context I grew up with that may no longer exist - or at least it may not exist in the form it once did. I recognize how I see things may die with me and my peers, and that’s ok. It’s a sad truth, but truth, nonetheless.