Because at the age of 36 I’m financially treading water and a week off here and there is enough time to de-stress from work, not enough time to do what I’d really like to.
Pancakes can really go with anything, they’re basically a large flat biscuit. Not to mention they keep quite nicely if frozen or simply put in the fridge
Was just talking about how difficult work is going to make the next three days, so that I can’t wait until they’re over, but that’s another week of my life where I’m wishing for days to pass so I can try to be happy again. Lame. Lame as fuck.
If you don’t enjoy your job, try to change it. I don’t love my job, but I like it; and the people are so great that it’s a good fit. We still have to work, so make it something you don’t loathe.
I think it’s an interesting project. However I am not a fan of their decision to omit forward secrecy, and have thus passed on using it. At least for now.
I didn’t know they did that. Unless it’s a technical limitation of Loki Net (which should be worked on if that’s the case), this is borderline unacceptable for a product made for privacy. Thanks for pointing it out
For me I decided young that I needed a career that would take me places so I could have life experiences and maybe get a few bucks.
I applied to everything everywhere while I was working and always thought “it may suck, but at least it will be different.”
There are better systems, but IMO I was never able to find or capitalize on them so i needed to focus on what my current goals were keeping in the back of my mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
Be aware that your peers that do amazing work and get promotions, get that easy job or just get a lucky break only affect your life negatively if you let it.
Positive “coping mechanisms” help when dealing with stress (exercise routine, yoga, whateverworks for you), when negative coping mechanisms hurt.
I’ve been lucky enough to live and work in some amazing places, and 35 years later we have finally found a place we want to “settle”.
AI is simply a broad field of research and a broad class of algorithms. It is annoying media keeps using the most general term possible to describe chatbots and image generators though. Like, we typically don’t call Spotify playlist generators AI, even though they use recommendation algorithms, which are a subclass of AI algorithms.
It probably would be rationalized up until a loophole in the laws of physics is found, at which point its sheer incomprehensibility would corrupt our existences.