Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
I see a lot of companies with fresh faced 25 year olds that are running all kinds of AI stuff. Everything from NPT, Vision, organization tools....
This is not exactly a new community, but it is one I created a few months ago and it is currently dead. Hopefully you guys help me with that:...
I’ve lost everything and I don’t know how to get it back. How can I repair my system all I have is a usb with slax linux. I am freaking out because I had a lot of projects on their that I hadn’t pushed to github as well as my configs and rice. Is there any way to repair my system? Can I get a shell from systemd?
On the one hand, it’s really fun to be able to stream 60gb 4k content through stremio/plex debrid, but on the other hand, if i choose to end my subscription, I don’t have anything to show for the money I spent till that time.
!playlistsharing /c/
(This is a half-rant half actual question)...
I recently bought a shag rug for my living room. Not realizing that the motor/actuator for my electric recliner sat directly over the floor, the fibers got caught in the actuator which is now seized and no longer functions. The motor is still fine, however, so if I could find a way to dissolve the polyester fibers and clean up...
There were endless moments in season 3 that would have been solved by reaching out to the progressive Borg collective from the season 2 finale. Not to mention that a few character arcs and character development moments that just seem suspiciously absent in season 3. So, is the entirety of season 2 not cannon or am I missing...
I have novel data, I have created torrents and seeding. Where do I put these torrents? I just want these data to be free like bald eagle, screeching in sky.
I’m curious what people here listen to, and I’m also looking for new ones to check out. I’m personally a big fan of Linux Unplugged, MBMBaM, Lateral, and Twenty Thousand Hertz!...
I have a few prominent tracker accounts that are 10+ years old so I’ve been around a minute. When I see recruitment threads for HDB it’s always required to have (for example) 500 uploads. That’s my downfall unfortunately. I have a 2Gb up/down fiber connection and a server so I seed like crazy. I’m just older (as you...
How do they make you feel when you remember them?
I’m relatively new to the espresso game and my espresso always tastes a bit sour… please help! I’m using a Breville Barista Express. From what I understand, the sourness is generally because of under extraction. The water seems to be at around 190-200 degrees, so I don’t think that’s the issue. I’ve tried to dial in...
So, I’ve heard that ML manipulates tokens and specifically for the English corpora they take place of words. If we want model to be polite and not to speak uncomfortable language we can remove certain words from the internal array where all tokens and their associative data are stored, for example “fuck”.
Did a game ever delete your save data? Or brick your entire console? Have you ever come across horrific visual bugs? Or scary audio? What are your experiences with glitches?
Using doesn’t work on medium posts and ideally I want to archive every post. The blog I’m trying to archive is in case the posts go down. Googling how to backup medium posts only gives me articles on how to do it if it were my blog. I found this extension called Monolith of Web that allows you to...
I’m trying to build a esp8266 weather station and got some MCP1700-3302E to power the esp8266 from a lipo. But when I connect the lipo to the MCP1700 (looking at it flat spot at the front, ground left, Vin in the middle and Vout on the right) I get no output at Vout. I googled and could not find anything. I tested 5 different...
Will it lead to more conflict or cooperation? If so, how will it develop and culminate?
Despite being a heavy cell phone user for more than 25 years, it only recently occurred to me that vertical navigation on most phones is inverted when compared to traditional computers. You swipe down to navigate upward, and up to navigate downward. I recently spent time using a MacBook, which apparently defaults to this...
cross-posted from:
Feels like a dumb question, but I haven’t ever worn a pair of boots that didn’t hurt in some way. Is this just a feature of boots, or am I doing something wrong?
Hello. It’s hugely annoying to look at “community information” and find just an in-joke that won’t make sense to most people, and no explanation of what this community is about. I’m sure that’s fine for those already initiated, but I still don’t know what “risa” means!...