#Question - When you are making chili
With ground beef, do you season the meat before, during, or after sauteeing, or any combination?...
Can someone answer a nagging question i have about CRT?
Edit: this question has been answered now. Thank you to everyone who took the time to help me understand....
If you were to lose your job and feeling down, what would you like from a friend to cheer you up?
pizza? flowers? a card?...
Yes, Scratch, Good Dog
Scratch is the bestest of the best boys. I think he got even better with the new patch. Maybe too good. I threw the vial of smokepowder to blast through a wall. And the good boy thinks I want to play fetch. So while everyone runs away from the wall and I’m getting ready to IGNIS the good boy fetches the smokepowder and brings...
Blocking app access to the internet
Question for the group on a problem I’m trying to solve: How can I block internet access for some apps on standard, OOTB Android?...
Demonoid Invite
I used to have an account at Demonoid but can’t for the life of me remember anything about it. Does anyone in this community still use it and could you provide an invite?
What's your favorite quote from a Studio Ghibli movie?
Terry Pratchett's Hogfather
Been looking all through the megathread and around the sites for the first movie, but only the second movie, or the first with a broken host by the looks of it, is there. Would greatly appreciate it if one of you lovely lads could help me out a bit.
Miniflux + News App
I started using miniflux a while back, and enjoy it. Recently I also gave News app on F-droid a try, and the combination of the two is one of the best news reading experiences I’ve had....
What is your unpopular flim opinion
I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds
What RSS readers should I recommend to others?
If I want to quickly pitch “you should follow X, Y, and Z using RSS because [problems with social media]” to people who have never heard of RSS, what readers should I recommend?...
Does alldebrid allow to download from two ip at the same time?
Does alldebrid allow to download from two ip at the same time?
DIY Audio - For people into building/repairing audio equipment
Whats your winter season movie that you must watch every winter?
Mine is “What we do in the shadows” I watch it every winter at least once, and I always turn it on as a backround on chirstmas family meatings, its always funny because people still dont get it if its a seriuos movie or a comedy.
Costumer Service/Delivery/Whatnot persons, how can I make your life easier?
Follow up to my previous post a while back, are there any things that I can do to make your job easier?...
Mull vs Fennec
I am having problems reaching Tuta through Mull on my Android (Mull 120.0.0, downloaded from f-Droid). Checking, I saw that Fennec is version 120.1.0....
What is happiness for you and how would you differentiate it from satisfaction?
Looking to switch to Linux in the somewhat distant future
Any distro I should use?
How to use a analog microphone plugged into Realtek ALC1220 chip in PipeWire
I got a microphone connected via a XLR adapter to the rear mic jack of my mainboard. The audio dialog of KDE seems to detect that, as does not mark it as not connected (which it does for the front mic and line in). But selecting the audio device as source does not produce any useful sound. What makes you sure that the mic work,...
questions about manual subtitles
TL-DR; for stuff that is NOT from sonarrr/radrr (e.g. downloaded long time ago / gotten from friends, RSS feeds, whatever), is there a better way to find subs than downloading everything from manual DDL sites and trying everything until one works (matching english text and correctly synced)?...
Out of all the cars you've owned, which one holds a special place in your heart as the absolute favourite.
Shamelessly stolen from /r/askreddit.
screen being black when I toggle into app until I reopen it again
How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?
I have had a tendency since my earliest days on social media where I will get halfway or more through a response, and end up just cancelling it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being to over the top with snark or otherwise don’t want to be that kind of person, but a lot of the time I’ll decide I just really don’t care...
CW: Self Harm - Rate of suicide in the U.S. peaks among older men, a hard demographic to reach