What's the most private way to create and use Instagram?
Crosspost because still getting used to lemmy...
Crosspost because still getting used to lemmy...
Hi there! I like to listen to the “Slightly something else” podcast. Although it is gaming-related, they have these ad-segments that have some kind of targetting, as it is always in the language from where I’ve downloaded the episone....
but work in body text &
This thought arose when I tried to go to a site with fan fiction, but it was blocked....
For me it’s PeppermintOS....
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
Hi im new here, cause im trans, also a bit into leftism (I like the red vibe and hate capitalism) but not committed mostly because im new to politics in general. This is a burner because the whole subject seems very heated and I don’t want my main account banned....
Shower thought … if the government is truly listening to us all 24/7, what nicknames would they give you?...
It’s been a few months since the last time I posted this, so it’s time to take another look!...
Should I be concerned before I share a video I downloaded from a site I needed to log in to with a username and password? Does the file I have include data that references my account? If so is there away to remove it before I share it?...
We got my husband some Helly Hansen boots the year before last and we noticed a hole in them last year. I am right pissed. If I’m dropping hundreds of dollars on boots, I expect to get my money’s worth. What are your awesome boot suggestions to help me do just that?
Do you use any web ui’s for your Linux server? I’m comfortable managing my server using the command line, but I also want a graphical interface that shows an overview of what is running on the server, the way the resources are being used what containers are running and so on. Also file download uploads would be great to...
For whatever reason the main website links for this version aren’t working, so if anyone is looking for this edition, I found it here:...
What name have you chosen for your robot and why?...
I’ve started missing out on events just because I am not in the group chats my friends are having on there. That is where I draw my limit. I need to start using Messenger....
I would really really really like to have one device on my tailnet as the exitnode for all other devices on the tailnet. However, most VPNs make this really difficult. Is there any way to do this? I’ve read it’s possible with split-tunnelling, but ProtonVPN (which I use) doesn’t support that. I just installed Alpine Linux...
Is there an application for building/drawing stuff. I know blender exists, but its a little overcomplicated for what I’m thinking of....
Hi, would you know an efficient and privacy friendly Ubuntu antivirus ?
Hi, I recently switched to Ubuntu but the file manager (Nautilus I think) is not practical at all. I would like to be able to :...
Hi, would you know a privacy friendly clock app ?
Hi, would you know a privacy friendly authenticator ? I already have 2FAS which seems recommended for data privacy.
Hi, would you know an efficient and privacy friendly antivirus app for phone?
I’m looking to go into Usenet / premiumize / real Debrid but I don’t know which ones are reputable. Which ones have you all had luck with or liked? And what was the cost?