not relevant
not relevant
Recently I’ve been catching up on tv and some of the more mature/adult shows, which I’ve been…Enjoying? Seems like the wrong word, but they’ve all generally been cynical or dark....
I’m in the US....
Was just thinking about this while taking a boring regular shower with water. A sonic shower just vibrates at high intensity to pulverize dirt and knock it from your body; but what about oils and lipids and all that other stuff that makes you stinky?...
I am trying out a Clevo MZ41, pretty interesting machine. It is coreboot supported (Dasharo, in the future also Heads) which is exciting....
Is there any good sites for audiobooks that aren’t behind private trackers? I have a great set up with normal ebooks but my wife’s job has here driving for multiple hours a day so she wants audiobooks and I can’t seem to find any consistent sites.
This is an continuation of my last post, specifically a comment from @rufus:...
I’ve got a (faux) leather sofa (not sure how to tell difference). Sitting on it or moving around makes the leather rub together and squeak a LOT. It wouldn’t bother me but I live in an upstairs flat so I get paranoid if it’s late at night and I move on the sofa it’s “CREEESQUEEEEEEEUUUURRRR”....
Always had a cheap desktop computer and never thought a phone was worth it. Is there a reason people like me should reconsider?
I’ve been seeing a lot of usernames formatted “[lowercase][fourdigits]” or “user-[randomletternumbers]”....
Recently heard “feed the machine” for the first time and instantly wanna go destroy capatilsm and like join a picket line against the wealthy elite....
Guys I truly don’t mean to spam the community but these are legit questions. Yesterday I posted about linux compatibility and computers and every single person gave me knowledge to use and you’re all awesome....
It seems like all the other markdown stuff works, but we’re missing ^superscript^ and subscript in connect. As a frequent user of footnotes,^1^ I would greatly appreciate support for these tags....
There’s this great ios Shortcut called Avert Paywall With that has been working for years but as of ios 17.1 it no longer works because the safari browser that pops up gets stuck halfway....
I’ve been wanting to move away from Dropbox for a long while, but I haven’t been able to find a suitable replacement. Dropbox has always been super convenient and has just worked for me....
I have 16TB NAS dedicated to storing TV shows. It is just a cabinet with ryzen 2600 and no graphics card. I have installed openmediavault in it to access it via smb to other devices. I am an absolute noob in setting up a server. Please tell me how I should go on about turning it into a media consumption machine....
some thumbnails are missing in nemo, the size for thumbnails is set to 64 gb, the curious thing is it fails to generate some SMALLER thumbnails, for example, i have one file thats around 100 mb, has a thumbnails, next to it one with 80, no thumbnail, i tried some common tricks like deleting totem.thumbnailer but nothing seems to...
I read somewhere that it is possible to rip youtube videos (music only) without the need for converting it into an mp3 as such....
I need to buy one for an old TV i have. I have plex at home and i use also Stremio + real Debrid. If the device offers a controller it would be nice. Thanks!
Ok so I want to download this embedded PDF/document in order to physically print it. The website allows me to view it as much as I want, but is asking me to fork over 25 + tax USD so i can download the document....
I downloaded a “Linux ISO” which came as a series of *.opus files. My iPhone doesn’t recognize them, so I was wondering if you guys might recommend a program to convert them to *.mp3 files....
I’m talking like instead of metaphors or analogies, buildings and entire cities are in fact their own sort of constructed organisms and colonies of organisms.
If one was indistinguishable from the other: taste, scent, texture, temperature, etc. You can’t tell apart the real thing from your choice, but you know 100% what you are eating....