I do count 4 layers of ramen, each approximately the size of one packet, so I guess it’s not impossible to have used all of them at once for maximum flavor.
Can we stop wasting food for these dumbass “cursed” images? Just goes to show how little we respect our food, the people who work to grow it, or the massive privilege we have to mostly be able to eat whatever we want.
Put yourself in the shoes of a mom who’s been struggling to feed her kids for weeks on end, and then you see this picture from some American.
I understand your concern, and I hope you’ll be pleased to hear that I didn’t waste any food making this silly recipe, but simply recycled someone else’s image of it.
They had already wasted the food making it, might at least make it worth it by getting as many laughs out of it as possible, right?
Basically a cake, but made out of layers of white bread and savory things, like for example ham, liver pâté or salmon. The ‘frosting’ or whatever you want to call it is usually based on mayonnaise or creme fraiche.
It’s really good, for the record. You eat it as a main, commonly at festive occasions.