Ok, maybe I’m ignorant, maybe I found the phrase “body fart” hilarious, maybe both. But can someone please tell me what is the difference between a regular fart and a body fart?
Excessively smelly usually because of intolerance to foods, swallowing air or if you get constipated because of stress so your body is expelling all the air it can possibly find in the colon. And you’re not alone…body fart is hilarious.
When I heard about the Y2K panic in the mid 90s the very first thing I did (as a kid) was advance my clock to 12/31/1999 to see what would happen next.
IIRC when the date changed, it went back to some date in the 1980s I think. This was either windows 95 or 98, I can’t remember.
Anyway that advice to turn your computer off… What the heck? Then what, throw it away?
Nothing, really. The worst that could have happened to personal computers was that they’d show a wrong date. What people were really worried about was how computers responsible for critical infrastructure would handle it.
We told people to turn them off because it was just easier than trying to explain to them that they might have to restart individual programs if they bugged out. It was a simple way for people that didn’t understand computers to get everything back into a known state.
It’s because world governments and companies spent a shit load of time and money changing things so it didn’t become an issue. People point to it as a load of fuss over nothing, the only reason for that was that action was actually taken.
It was a dick move like everything else. He hosted the national college football champs during a partial government shutdown, but rather than pay for some nice food from a third party for those champs, he figured that just being in his presence was reward enough, so enjoy your shitty fast food, boys.
In an explanation for the evening’s menu, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “The Democrats’ refusal to compromise on border security and reopen the government didn’t stop President Trump from hosting national champion @ClemsonFB tonight. He personally paid for the event to be catered by some of America’s great fast food joints.”
Though he told reporters that he had personally bought “300 hamburgers,” in a tweet the next morning that number had skyrocketed to “1000 hamberders [sic].” (Photos and videos of the scene show that the lower number is likely the more correct one.)
It’s an honor to be invited to dinner with the leader of your country. When that leader can’t pay the staff to make the dinner, so he orders McDonald’s, it’s not a relief.
Well you probably never accomplished anything but most people, especially athletes who have had to be on a strict diet all season would rather party and just joke amongst themselves
So you think Trump saying, “there’s a partial government shutdown, so we can’t give you a fancy catered dinner full of the fanciest food you’re ever likely to eat in your life because it is literally made for the world’s royalty, but instead I’ve dug deep into my rich man pockets and spent $3000 on some room temperature Big Macs and Chick-Fil-A” is something that would appeal to them? Yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean it’s not like you’d want to be treated like a king after winning a national championship. Much better to have to travel to DC at the team’s expense and have the president buy them the worst possible burger he could have bought them.
But sure, it’s because I’ve never accomplished anything that I wouldn’t understand why someone would be honored to eat a Big Mac paid for out of Trump’s generous pockets when he could have had lobster flown in fresh from Maine. Or, I don’t know, catered well-made burgers from a good burger place. I’m guessing D.C. has one or two local places that might just possibly taste a little better than what they’ve got at McDonald’s.
It’s not even that it’s a burger. It’s that he put it on display as a banquet, talked about how he paid for it personally, and he acted like they should be honored to eat the burger.
And, again, maybe it’s because I’ve “never accomplished anything” that I would hope that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would spring for more than a cold Big Mac after inviting me to the WHITE HOUSE.
I’d do what I could to offer those guys more than a cold Big Mac if I invited them to my house and I’m by no means someone who brags about his fabulous wealth.
I think they deserved to be treated better regardless of you think what they would have wanted because of all of your amazing accomplishments. I’m sorry, but your Nobel Prize doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to be treated with at least the modicum of dignity as a visiting head of state.
I mean at the absolute very least keep them warm instead of taking them all out for a photo op where they’ll get cold! Is that making too big a deal out of it? Saying they were entitled to a warm Big Mac when visiting the President of the United States at the White House who brags to you about paying for it with his own money?
Yes, expecting someone to get warm food when they get invited to the White House is an embarrassing position and I don’t know why I haven’t deleted it yet. Maybe it’s my lack of accomplishments.
How many burgers were served? Multiply that by a hundred to get an estimate of how many innocent cows were slaughtered for this circus. But sure, it being cheap food is the thing to complain about.
If you’re referring to crop deaths, you should know that nonsense has been so thoroughly debunked that anyone should feel embarrassed to be perpetuating that lie still.
Yes, and odds are they are asking as a way to bring up the idea of how many animals are killed in order to harvest plant crops. If you had bothered to go to the link, it would have at least somewhat answered your question because the short version is: fundamentally, significantly less than the amount of animals killed to produce meat.
All it takes is to think it through. If harvesting crops kills a lot of animals (which as the link shows, is already significantly less than some assholes made it up to be), then raising animals for food automatically kills even more animals because it takes way more crops to feed the animals that are raised for meat or dairy, than it takes to just feed humans directly.
about 85% of all soybeans are pressed for oil for human uses. but a soybean is only about 20% oil altogether. that leaves 69% of the soybeans as industrial waste. feeding that industrial waste to animals is actually conserving resources.
so it’s not even true that the land used to make food for animals isn’t used to make food for people: it’s the same land.
That makes no sense. Every part of a soybean can be made for human uses - textured vegetable protein (tvp) is de-fatted soy, for example. 7% of soy is going for human consumption, because that’s how much demand there is for it. Just as the vast majority of soy production is being used to raise animals for food, because that’s how the economics works. You can see the cited study and more in greater detail in this article - which also shows how cattle farming is in and of itself the single largest driver of Amazon deforestation.
And this article is a primer on feed conversion ratios, which demonstrates why eating plants directly will always be fundamentally more efficient and better for the environment than raising animals for food ever can be.
Are you a human being, or a mechanistic formal debate bot? I’m informing you on a complex subject matter with many important interrelated issues that range everywhere from ethics, to personal health (yes that animal flesh is killing you), to environmental issues, and even the grave risk of pandemic potential.
Your narrowmindedness is a symptom of typical carnist mental gymnastics.
i’m so glad you used this. you can find this graph there that shows that almost all the soy we feed to animals is the industrial waste from oil production
My math was bad admittedly - I didn’t take into account that most or all of those patties likely came from the same processing facility; so that even if 100 body parts are in one patty, 100 patties might contain the tissues of the same 100 cows that were slaughtered. In all that table might be a picture of 100, 1,000, or 10,000 body parts mutilated beyond recognition and mixed together.
My intent was not to suggest that it takes 100 cows to make one burger, that would be untrue. My intent was to point out exactly what the article was getting at, which is to recognize that when someone looks at most ground meat products, they are looking at a grotesque slurry of what used to be not just one living being, but the combined flesh of as many as a hundred or more once-living sentient beings.